共 39 个单词
全国医学博士统考英语真题单词及词组相关的的单词有【fall upon】【inextinguishable】【break over】【break ice】【yearn for】【in correspondence with】【bestow on】【feed up】【face off】【intriguingly】【inefficacious】【sufferance】【vasculature】【purulent】【touch on】【pedophilia】【turn round】【harmonize with】【in agreement with】【attach oneself to】【in harmony with】【hold in】【take hold】【under consideration】【ascribe to】【ambulant】【thrombus】【suppuration】【supervene】【take hold of】【fall to】【blame for】【in contrast with】【fall victim to】【pass for】【sit in】【succumb to】【fit in with】【disputable】等。
fall upon释义开始行动,进攻;英英释义 fall upon v.find unexpectedly同义词:strikecome uponlight uponchance uponcome acro...
详细解释inextinguishableadj.不能消灭的,压不住的;英英释义 inextinguishable[ ,inik'stiwibl ]adj.difficult or impossible to extin...
详细解释face offv.使…的表面平滑;英英释义 face off n.a hostile disagreement face-to-face同义词:confrontationencountershowdownf...
详细解释sufferancen.忍耐; 变形 复数:sufferances 英英释义 sufferance[ 'sfrns ]n.patient endurance especially of pain or distres...
详细解释touch on释义碰(某人某处);与…有关, 涉及;英英释义 touch on v.refer to or discuss brieflyhave to do with or be releva...
详细解释pedophilian.恋童癖(对儿童有性欲异常的性变态);英英释义 pedophilia[ ,pi:d'fili ]n.a sexual attraction to children同义词...
详细解释turn round释义(使)转身;(使)好转;改变意见;使变得完全不同英英释义 turn round n.act or process of unloading and load...
详细解释hold in释义拿着;抱住;夹住;托住英英释义 hold in v.close in or confine同义词:encloseconfinelessen the intensity of; te...
详细解释take hold释义(如通过抓握来)夺取;扎根;英英释义 take hold v.assume control同义词:take chargetake controlhave or hold ...
详细解释under consideration释义在考虑中;英英释义 under consideration adj.now in consideration or under discussion同义词:at iss...
详细解释thrombusn.血栓; 变形 复数:thrombi 英英释义 thrombus[ 'rmbs ]n.a blood clot formed within a blood vessel and remaining ...
详细解释suppurationn.脓,化脓;英英释义 suppuration[ ,spju'rein ]n.(medicine) the formation of morbific matter in an abscess or ...
详细解释supervenev.接着发生,被附加; 变形 过去式:supervened过去分词:supervened现在分词:supervening第三人称单数:supervenes 英...
详细解释take hold of释义握住;控制住;吸引;对…有影响力英英释义 take hold of v.take hold of so as to seize or restrain or stop ...
详细解释sit in释义照看;出席;代替;静坐示威英英释义 sit in n.a form of civil disobedience in which demonstrators occupy seats a...
详细解释disputableadj.可争辩的,可商榷的,有争议的;英英释义 disputable[ dis'pju:tbl ]adj.capable of being disproved同义词:deba...