共 239 个单词
全国大学生英语竞赛A类相关的的单词有【cack-handed】【service sector】【palazzo】【shrink-wrapped】【shuffle off】【skid off】【pedometer】【clampdown】【classically】【physical activity】【deficit financing】【ear-piercing】【spritz】【fell through】【fee-paying】【ticked off】【methinks】【lay-by】【antipersonnel】【wake to】【ultrafine】【fixings】【fizgig】【enchain】【bohemianism】【prettify】【pride of place】【unclose】【life-force】【line of sight】【Bound up with】【bound up】【brain drain】【glue to】【vagabondage】【VD】【drain off】【overpopulate】【unexceptional】【free spirit】等。
shrink-wrappedadj.用收缩塑料薄膜包装的;英英释义 shrink-wrappedadj.wrapped tightly with a thin sheet of heated plastic t...
详细解释pedometern.步数计,步程计;计步器;英英释义 pedometer[ pi'dmit ]n.measuring instrument for recording the number of steps...
详细解释clampdownn.压制,取缔,严禁;限制与控制的强行施加; 变形 复数:clampdowns 英英释义 clampdown[ 'klmpdaun ]n.sudden restri...
详细解释classicallyadv.古典主义地,拟古地;英英释义 classically[ 'klsikli ]adv.in the manner of Greek and Roman culture"this exe...
详细解释antipersonneladj.(炸弹)用于杀伤人的,杀伤性的;英英释义 antipersonnel[ ,ntip:s'nel ]adj.designed to inflict death or p...
详细解释fixingsn.设备,装备,配菜;嵌固件;英英释义 fixings[ 'fiksiz ]n.food that is a component of a mixture in cooking"the rec...
详细解释fizgign.轻佻的女人,鱼叉;英英释义 fizgig[ 'fizi ]n.an implement with a shaft and barbed point used for catching fish同义...
详细解释enchainvt.束缚,以铁链绑住; 变形 过去式:enchained过去分词:enchained现在分词:enchaining第三人称单数:enchains 英英释义...
详细解释bohemianismn.玩世不恭之作风或思想;英英释义 bohemianism[ bu'hi:mjnizm ]n.conduct characteristic of a bohemian
详细解释prettifyv.修饰; 变形 过去式:prettified过去分词:prettified现在分词:prettifying第三人称单数:prettifies 英英释义 prett...
详细解释pride of place释义最好[最显著]的地位;英英释义 pride of place n.the first or highest or most important or most ostentati...
详细解释life-forcen.生命力;英英释义 life-forcen.(biology) a hypothetical force (not physical or chemical) once thought by Henri...
详细解释line of sight释义视线,瞄准线; 变形 复数:lines of sight 英英释义 line of sight n.an imaginary straight line along whic...
详细解释bound up释义跃上;英英释义 bound up adj.closely or inseparably connected or associated withdeeply devoted to同义词:wrap...
详细解释brain drainn.智囊流失;英英释义 brain drain n.depletion or loss of intellectual and technical personnel
详细解释vagabondagen.流浪,流浪生活,流浪者;英英释义 vagabondage[ 'vbndid ]n.travelling about without any clear destination同义...
详细解释VDabbr.double vibrations 往复振动;英英释义 VD[ ,vi: 'di: ]n.a communicable infection transmitted by sexual intercourse ...
详细解释overpopulatevt.使(某一地区)人口过剩;英英释义 overpopulate[ ,uv'ppjuleit ]v.cause to have too great a population"Some ...
详细解释unexceptionaladj.非例外的,普通的;英英释义 unexceptional[ ,nik'sepnl ]adj.not special in any way"a unexceptional an inc...
详细解释free spiritn.无拘无束的人; 变形 复数:free spirits 英英释义 free spirit n.someone acting freely or even irresponsibly同...