共 25 个单词
初中人教版八年级下相关的的单词有【call somebody up】【casually】【Peking University】【Chinese Young Pioneer】【Teen Talk】【I'll】【the Ministry of Education】【Beijing International Airport】【the same】【green peace】【as...as possible】【as...as...】【the World Cup】【reported speech】【Hilltop School】【politely】【Franklin Lake】【Night Safari】【have a great time】【pot-bellied】【the Olympics】【What's the problem】【the Olympic Committee】【clean-up】【three quarters】等。
casuallyadv.偶然地;无意地;未经考虑地;漫不经心地英英释义 casually[ 'kjuli ]adv.not methodically or according to plan"h...
详细解释the same释义一样;同上;俱;英英释义 The SameThe Same was a punk band from Sundsvall. Members were among others Magnus H...
详细解释green peace释义绿色和平组织;英英释义 green peace n.an international organization that works for environmental conservat...
详细解释politelyadv.有礼貌地,客气地,委婉地;英英释义 politely[ p'laitli ]adv.in a polite manner"the policeman answered politel...
详细解释Franklin Lake释义富兰克林湖;英英释义 Franklin LakeFranklin Lake is a valley playa fed by the Franklin River in Elko Cou...
详细解释Night Safari释义夜间动物园;英英释义 Night safariA night safari is a nocturnal zoo. The term was first used by the Night...
详细解释pot-belliedadj.大腹便便的,大肚子的;英英释义 pot-belliedadj.having a large belly同义词:abdominouspaunchypotbellied
详细解释the Olympics释义奥林匹克运动会;英英释义 The OlympicsThe Olympics were an American doo-wop group, formed in 1957 by lead...
详细解释clean-upn.打扫;清除;净化; 变形 复数:clean-ups 英英释义 clean-upn.a very large profit同义词:killingcleanup(baseball)...
详细解释three quarters释义四分之三;英英释义 ThreequartersThreequarters is used to describe several playing positions in the spo...