共 197 个单词
别笑我是英文单词书相关的的单词有【cardiac disease】【side-burns】【Cherry Blossom】【sixth sense】【achilles' heel】【achilles' tendon】【talk big】【malignant tumor】【physical stamina】【Be green with envy】【alimentary organ】【the bereaved family】【facial hair】【fall sick】【belly button】【benign tumor】【amentia】【ambivert】【medical fee】【ticket office】【mental institution】【potbelly】【consult a doctor】【contagious disease】【fig tree】【filicide】【black death】【garden balsam】【annual ring】【still birth】【fitness club】【endemic disease】【blow your nose】【flower vase】【flower bed】【florescent】【flyflap】【near-sighted】【installment plan】【insidious disease】等。
side-burnsna.〈美〉短连鬓胡子网络络腮胡子 英英释义 SideburnsSideburns or sideboards are patches of facial hair grown on ...
详细解释Cherry Blossomn.樱花;英英释义 Cherry BlossomCherry blossom or Sakura is the blossom of cherry trees, genus Prunus.以上来...
详细解释sixth sensen.第六感,直觉;英英释义 sixth sense n.grasping the inner nature of things intuitively同义词:insight
详细解释achilles' heel释义致命要害;英英释义 achilles' heel [ ,kili:z 'hi:l ]n.a seemingly small but actual mortal weakness
详细解释malignant tumorn.恶性瘤,恶瘤;英英释义 malignant tumor n.a tumor that is malignant and tends to spread to other parts o...
详细解释facial hair释义[医]面毛;英英释义 Facial hairFacial hair is a secondary sex characteristic of human males. Men typically...
详细解释belly buttonn.肚脐; 变形 复数:belly buttons 英英释义 belly button n.scar where the umbilical cord was attached同义词:...
详细解释benign tumor释义良性瘤;英英释义 benign tumor n.a tumor that is not cancerous同义词:benign tumournonmalignant tumornonm...
详细解释ticket officen.票房,售票处;英英释义 ticket office n.the office where tickets of admission are sold同义词:box officeti...
详细解释mental institution英英释义 mental institution n.a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person同义词:mental h...
详细解释potbellyn.大肚皮,大腹;英英释义 potbelly[ 'pt,beli ]n.slang for a paunch同义词:potbay windowcorporationtummya bulbous ...
详细解释contagious disease释义接触传染病;英英释义 contagious disease n.any disease easily transmitted by contact同义词:contagi...
详细解释fig treen.无花果树;英英释义 fig tree n.any moraceous tree of the tropical genus Ficus; produces a closed pear-shaped re...
详细解释filiciden.杀子女者,杀子女的行为;英英释义 filicide[ 'filisaid ]n.a parent who murders his own son or daughterthe murder...
详细解释black deathn.黑死病(14世纪蔓延于亚欧两洲的鼠疫),鼠疫;英英释义 black death n.the epidemic form of bubonic plague experi...
详细解释annual ringn.年轮;英英释义 annual ring n.an annual formation of wood in plants as they grow同义词:growth ring
详细解释still birth释义死胎;英英释义 still birth n.a natural loss of the products of conception同义词:spontaneous abortionmisc...
详细解释endemic disease释义地方病;英英释义 endemic disease n.a disease that is constantly present to a greater or lesser degree...
详细解释flower bed释义花坛;花池子;英英释义 flower bed n.a bed in which flowers are growing同义词:flowerbedbed of flowers
详细解释near-sightedadj.近视的; 双语释义adj.(形容词)近视的 unable to see objects clearly if they are not close to the eyes 英英...
详细解释installment plann.分期付款方式; 变形 复数:installment plans 英英释义 installment plan n.a system for paying for goods ...