共 197 个单词
别笑我是英文单词书相关的的单词有【narrow-minded】【set the table】【parricide】【round-trip ticket】【emergency room】【Laundromat】【one-way ticket】【mental hospital】【cut in line】【make a fool of】【coffee table】【fluorescent lamp】【on the rocks】【wholesale price】【retail price】【desk lamp】【boarding house】【morning glory】【FIFA】【octagonal】【in season】【under construction】【general practitioner】【have a sore throat】【window sill】【take pride in】【burst into laughter】【orthopedist】【make a face】【traffic congestion】【the Olympic Games】【optometrist】【in-flight】【front desk】【WC】【play upon】【ice skating】等。
narrow-mindedadj.心胸狭窄的,偏执的;adv.目光短浅地;英英释义 narrow-minded[ 'nru'maindid ]adj.capable of being shocked同...
详细解释parriciden.杀近亲,杀长辈;英英释义 parricide[ 'prisaid ]n.someone who kills his or her parentthe murder of your own fat...
详细解释round-trip ticket释义往返票,双程票;英英释义 round-trip ticket n.a ticket to a place and back (usually over the same ro...
详细解释emergency room释义急诊室; 变形 复数:emergency rooms 英英释义 emergency room n.a room in a hospital or clinic staffed a...
详细解释Laundromatn.自助洗衣店;自助洗衣场;英英释义 Laundromat[ 'l:ndrumt, 'l:n- ]n.a self-service laundry (service mark Laundr...
详细解释one-way ticketn.单程票;英英释义 One Way TicketOne Way Ticket is a 2008 Malayalam film by Bipin Prabhakar starring Prith...
详细解释mental hospitaln.精神病院; 变形 复数:mental hospitals 英英释义 mental hospital n.a hospital for mentally incompetent o...
详细解释coffee tablen.(常置于沙发前的)矮茶几,咖啡桌; 变形 复数:coffee tables 英英释义 coffee table n.low table where magazi...
详细解释fluorescent lampn.荧光灯(管),日光灯(管);英英释义 fluorescent lamp n.lamp consisting of a tube coated on the inside...
详细解释on the rocks释义触礁的;(婚姻)濒于破裂的;身无分文的;(酒等饮料)加冰的英英释义 On the RocksOn the Rocks is an Americ...
详细解释boarding housen.寄宿处,公寓; 变形 复数:boarding houses 英英释义 boarding house n.a private house that provides accomm...
详细解释morning gloryn.牵牛花,昙花一现的人(或事物);英英释义 morning glory n.any of various twining vines having funnel-shape...
详细解释FIFAabbr.Federation Internationale de Football Association 国际足球联盟;英英释义 FIFAFIFA, also known as FIFA Football ...
详细解释octagonaladj.八边形的;八角;英英释义 octagonal[ k'tnl ]adj.of or relating to or shaped like an octagon同义词:octangula...
详细解释under construction释义(正在)修建中;英英释义 Under ConstructionUnder Construction was the first of two box sets of the...
详细解释general practitionern.全科医师; 变形 复数:general practitioners 英英释义 general practitioner n.a physician who is not...
详细解释window sill释义窗台;英英释义 window sill n.the sill of a window; the horizontal member at the bottom of the window fram...
详细解释orthopedistn.整形外科医师;英英释义 orthopedist[ :u'pi:dist ]n.a specialist in correcting deformities of the skeletal sy...
详细解释make a face释义做鬼脸, 做苦相;英英释义 make a face v.contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state同...
详细解释traffic congestion释义通信量拥挤,信号拥挤;英英释义 Traffic congestionTraffic congestion is a condition on road network...
详细解释optometristn.验光师,视力测定者; 变形 复数:optometrists 英英释义 optometrist[ p'tmitrist ]n.a person skilled in testin...
详细解释in-flightadj.在飞行中的;英英释义 in-flight[ 'in'flait ]adv.flying through the air同义词:in flighton the wing
详细解释WCn.厕所; 变形 复数:WCs 英英释义 Wcwc (short for word count) is a command in Unix-like operating systems.以上来源于:Wi...