共 43 个单词
剑桥医学英语2后30单元相关的的单词有【cicatrix】【phlebotomist】【radiopaque】【radiolucent】【haematocrit】【stab wound】【diamorphine】【diathermy】【naevus】【endocervical】【ophthalmoscopy】【venipuncture】【mydriatic】【oximeter】【guttate】【razor blade】【bedsore】【haematoma】【haematuria】【phosphatase】【fluoxetine】【herpes zoster】【paracetamol】【endotracheal】【resectable】【IVF】【angiogram】【ionizer】【cohort study】【medline】【af】【zimmer】【fibroid】【obsessional】【bulla】【cerebrovascular】【verruca】【atopy】【furosemide】【retractor】等。
cicatrixn.瘢痕,脱离痕,叶痕; 变形 复数:cicatrices 英英释义 cicatrix[ 'siktriks ]n.a mark left (usually on the skin) b...
详细解释phlebotomistn.刺络医师,抽血者;英英释义 phlebotomist[ fli'btmist ]n.someone who practices phlebotomy
详细解释radiopaqueadj.辐射透不过的;英英释义 radiopaque[ ,reidiu'peik ]adj.not transparent to X-rays or other forms of radiation...
详细解释radiolucentadj.射线可透的,射线透明的;英英释义 radiolucent[ ,reidiu'lju:snt ]adj.almost complete transparent to X-rays ...
详细解释haematocritn.分血器,血球容积计;英英释义 haematocrit[ 'hi:mtukrit, 'hem- ]n.the ratio of the volume occupied by packed ...
详细解释diathermyn.透热疗法;英英释义 diathermy[ 'dai:mi ]n.a method of physical therapy that involves generating local heat in ...
详细解释naevusn.痣;英英释义 NaevusNaevus is a British experimental rock group. Formed in London in 1998 by Lloyd James (vocals,...
详细解释ophthalmoscopyn.检眼镜检查(法);英英释义 ophthalmoscopy[ ,fl'mskpi, ,p- ]n.examination of the interior of an eye using...
详细解释venipuncturen.静脉穿刺,静脉针灸;英英释义 venipuncture[ 'veni,pkt ]n.(medicine) puncture of a vein through the skin in ...
详细解释mydriaticn.瞳孔放大剂,散瞳剂;adj.瞳孔放大的;英英释义 mydriatic[ ,midri'tik ]n.a drug that causes the pupil of the eye...
详细解释oximetern.血氧(定量)计,光电血氧计;血氧定量计;英英释义 oximeter[ k'simit ]n.a measuring instrument that measures the...
详细解释razor blade释义(剃刀的)刀片; 变形 复数:razor blades 英英释义 razor blade n.a blade that has very sharp edge同义词:r...
详细解释bedsoren.(长期卧床引起的)褥疮;英英释义 bedsore[ 'beds: ]n.a chronic ulcer of the skin caused by prolonged pressure on...
详细解释haematoman.血肿;英英释义 haematoma[ ,hi:m'tum, ,hem- ]n.a localized swelling filled with blood同义词:hematoma
详细解释haematurian.血尿症,血尿;英英释义 haematuria[ ,hi:m'tjuri, ,hem- ]n.the presence of blood in the urine; often a symptom...
详细解释phosphatasen.磷酸(酯)酶;英英释义 phosphatase[ 'fsfteis, -teiz ]n.any of a group of enzymes that act as a catalyst in ...
详细解释fluoxetine释义[医]氟西汀:抗抑郁药,C17H18F3NO;英英释义 fluoxetine[ 'fluksiti:n ]n.a selective-serotonin ...
详细解释herpes zoster释义带状疱疹;火带疮;英英释义 herpes zoster n.eruptions along a nerve path often accompanied by severe neu...
详细解释angiogramn.血管、淋巴管造影照片;英英释义 angiogram[ 'ndiurm ]n.an X-ray representation of blood vessels made after the ...
详细解释cohort study释义群组研究[调查];英英释义 Cohort studyA cohort study or panel study is a form of longitudinal study (a ty...
详细解释medline释义[计]中线;英英释义 medline[ 'med,lain ]n.the computer-based telephone system of the United States National Li...
详细解释afabbr.audio frequency 音频;audio-frequency 音频;anno futuro (Italian=next year) (意大利语)明年;affiliate 分会英英释...
详细解释zimmern.[人名] 齐默;英英释义 zimmer[ 'zim(r) ]n.a light enclosing framework (trade name Zimmer) with rubber castors or ...
详细解释fibroidadj.纤维性的,纤维状的;n.纤维瘤; 变形 复数:fibroids 英英释义 fibroid[ 'faibrid ]n.benign tumor containing fibr...
详细解释obsessionaladj.摆脱不了的;英英释义 obsessional[ b'senl ]adj.characterized by or constituting an obsession"the obsession...
详细解释bullan.垂饰,教皇的印玺; 变形 复数:bullae 英英释义 bulla[ 'bul ]n.(pathology) an elevation of the skin filled with ser...
详细解释cerebrovascularadj.脑血管的;英英释义 cerebrovascular[ ,seribru'vskjul ]adj.of or relating to the brain and the blood ve...
详细解释verrucan.疣,赘肉; 变形 复数:verrucas 英英释义 verruca[ ve'ru:k ]n.(pathology) a firm abnormal elevated blemish on the...
详细解释atopyn.特应性;英英释义 atopy[ 'tpi ]n.an allergic reaction that becomes apparent in a sensitized person only minutes af...
详细解释furosemiden.速尿,速尿灵,利尿磺胺;腹安酸;英英释义 furosemide[ fju:'rusmaid ]n.commonly used diuretic (trade name Lasi...