共 30 个单词
剑桥英语青少版1级相关的的单词有【check it out】【hardly any】【language school】【roast beef】【burn off】【washing-up】【climb down】【this morning】【once a week】【have a shower】【take a risk】【break a record】【make mistake】【anything else】【win a prize】【mountain bike】【on horseback】【canal boat】【horse-riding】【raise money】【have something in common】【loads of】【keep calm】【headteacher】【hard work】【free time】【so what】【disorganised】【North Pole】【racing driver】等。
check it out释义仔细讨论;英英释义 Check It OutCheck it Out is a youth-oriented television series produced twice weekly ...
详细解释language schooln.(教授外语的私立)语言学校; 变形 复数:language schools 英英释义 language school n.a school for teachi...
详细解释roast beef释义烤牛肉,烧牛肉;英英释义 roast beef n.cut of beef suitable for roasting同义词:beef roast
详细解释burn off释义烧掉,蒸发;英英释义 burn off v.use up (energy)同义词:burnburn upclear land of its vegetation by burning it...
详细解释washing-upn.洗涤;洗餐具;英英释义 washing-up[ 'wi'p, 'w:- ]n.the washing of dishes etc after a meal
详细解释climb down释义下来;爬下来;让步;屈服英英释义 climb down [ 'klaimdaun ]n.a retraction of a previously held position同义...
详细解释this morningadv.今天早上;英英释义 This MorningThis Morning was a Canadian radio program which aired from 1997 to 2002 o...
详细解释once a week释义每星期一次;英英释义 Once A WeekOnce A Week (1859-1880) was an English weekly illustrated literary magazi...
详细解释anything elsen.别的东西;英英释义 Anything ElseAnything Else is a 2003 romantic comedy film. The film was written and di...
详细解释mountain biken.山地车,山地自行车; 变形 复数:mountain bikes 英英释义 mountain bike n.a bicycle with a sturdy frame and...
详细解释canal boatn.运河用的平底的船; 变形 复数:canal boats 英英释义 canal boat n.a long boat that carries freight and is narr...
详细解释horse-riding释义骑马;英英释义 Horse RidingHorse Riding is an extended play by The Hiatus released on July 31, 2013. Hor...
详细解释hard work释义繁重的工作;劳苦;苦工;苦功英英释义 Hard WorkHard Work is a 1976 album by jazz saxophonist John Handy, onl...
详细解释free time释义免费时间,非工作时间,空闲时间;闲空;暇;空暇英英释义 free time n.time available for hobbies and other act...
详细解释disorganisedadj.组织混乱的,无系统的,杂乱无章的;英英释义 disorganisedadj.lacking order or methodical arrangement or fu...