共 131 个单词
剑桥BEC真题集高级相关的的单词有【jet-setting】【keep oneself to oneself】【knock-on effect】【knock-on】【bumper crop】【business community】【at the discretion of】【at the most】【at the helm】【run-of-the-mill】【right up】【controlled experiment】【fight out】【pay the price】【ground-breaking】【cut throat】【cybercafe】【be on to】【stand-off】【fidge】【at the top】【fundraise】【wait and see】【feel up to】【in advance of】【cast in】【drag one's feet】【close by】【top-level】【hang onto】【a supply of】【spread about】【taken as a whole】【sky-high】【hold for】【delayering】【state aid】【business unit】【take on board】【go forth】等。
knock-onn.违例用手向前击球;撞出;adj.撞出的;被打出的;英英释义 knock-on[ 'nkn ]n.(rugby) knocking the ball forward whi...
详细解释bumper crop释义[经] 大丰收;丰产;英英释义 Bumper cropIn agriculture, a bumper crop refers to a particularly productive ...
详细解释business community释义工商业界,企业界;英英释义 business community n.the body of individuals who manage businesses同义词...
详细解释run-of-the-milladj.非选拔的;英英释义 run-of-the-mill[ 'rnv'mil ]adj.not special in any way"run-of-the-mill boxing"同义词...
详细解释controlled experimentn.核对实验;英英释义 Controlled Experiment"Controlled Experiment"is an episode of the original The ...
详细解释ground-breakingadj.开拓性的,独创的;英英释义 ground-breaking[ 'graund,breiki ]n.the ceremonial breaking of the ground t...
详细解释cut throat释义[医] 刎颈;英英释义 cut throat n.someone who murders by cutting the victim's throat同义词:cutthroatadj.ru...
详细解释cybercafen.网吧;英英释义 cybercafe[ 'saibrk'fei ]n.a cafe whose customers sit at computer terminals and log on to the i...
详细解释stand-offn.平衡;冷淡;僵持; 变形 复数:stand-offs 英英释义 stand-offn.the finish of a contest in which the score is ti...
详细解释fundraisen. 募捐 英英释义 fundraise[ 'fnd,reiz ]v.raise money for a cause or project同义词:fund-raisefund raise
详细解释cast in英英释义 CastinCastin is a commune in the Gers department in southwestern France.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释drag one's feet释义拖延不走,迟迟不行动,故意拖拉;英英释义 drag one's feet v.postpone doing what one should be doing同义...
详细解释sky-highadj.& adv.极高(的);英英释义 sky-high[ 'skai'hai ]adv.(with verb `to blow') destroyed completely; blown apart ...
详细解释delayeringn.简化管理结构;压缩管理层次;英英释义 delayer[ di:'leiri ]n.a person who delays; to put off until later or ca...