共 131 个单词
剑桥BEC真题集高级相关的的单词有【like for like】【grand opening】【penalty clause】【note pad】【press office】【a total of】【surrender to】【draw away】【overstretch】【be stuck】【merge with】【all round】【eat into】【cost the earth】【get off the ground】【get the sack】【hand-out】【miss out on】【pay out】【hands-off】【go on about】【tie up with】【time frame】【get down on】【sugar beet】【leading-edge】【petrol pump】【spare parts】【be out to】【bulk sale】【a cluster of】【far less】【as a rule of thumb】【down the road】【enough to】【in action】【keep abreast of】【great-uncle】【in mint condition】【work through】等。
like for likeadv.以牙还牙;英英释义 Like for likeLike for like (LFL) growth is a measure of growth in sales, adjusted fo...
详细解释grand openingn.盛大献映;英英释义 Grand openingGrand opening is a term used when a business, public office, or private a...
详细解释press office释义新闻处;英英释义 Press OfficeThe Press Office is part of the Private Secretary's Office of the Royal Hou...
详细解释draw away释义(使)离开,移开;(在竞争中)领先于他人[物];英英释义 draw away v.move ahead of (one's competitors) in a r...
详细解释overstretchvt.延伸过长; 变形 过去式:overstretched过去分词:overstretched现在分词:overstretching第三人称单数:overstre...
详细解释all roundadv.周围,四处;周遍;四面;团团英英释义 all round adj.many-sided同义词:all-around(a)all-round(a)well-rounded
详细解释eat into释义腐蚀,侵蚀;消耗;对…产生不良的作用[影响];蛀英英释义 eat into v.gnaw into; make resentful or angry同义词:...
详细解释get off the ground释义起飞;顺利开始;英英释义 get off the ground v.get started or set in motion, used figuratively同义词...
详细解释hand-outn. 教师分发给学生的讲义等;发球权失效;施舍物 英英释义 hand-out[ 'hndaut ]n.an announcement distributed to membe...
详细解释hands-offadj.不插手的,不干涉的;英英释义 hands-off[ 'hndz'f ]adj.not involving participation or intervention"a hands-of...
详细解释time framen.期限,时帧; 变形 复数:time frames 英英释义 time frame n.a time period during which something occurs or is ...
详细解释sugar beetn.糖用甜菜; 变形 复数:sugar beets 英英释义 sugar beet n.form of the common beet having a sweet white root fr...
详细解释leading-edgeadj.(技术上)最先进的;英英释义 leading-edge[ 'li:di,ed ]n.forward edge of an airfoil同义词:leading edge
详细解释spare partsn.备件( spare part的名词复数 );备用;备用部分;备用零件散件;英英释义 Spare PartsXbox 360January 19, 2011以上...
详细解释bulk sale释义整批销售,趸售;英英释义 Bulk saleA bulk sale, sometimes called a bulk transfer, is a sale of goods by a bu...
详细解释in action释义在运转,在操作;英英释义 in action n.the state of being inactive同义词:inactioninactivityinactiveness
详细解释great-unclen.叔祖父;伯祖父;舅老爷;姑老爷英英释义 great-uncle[ 'reit,kl ]n.an uncle of your father or mother同义词:gr...
详细解释work through释义(使)逐渐通过[穿过];完成;解决;闯过英英释义 work through v.apply thoroughly; think through同义词:run...