共 41 个单词
动物包括哺乳类昆虫类鸟类爬虫类相关的的单词有【pangolin】【popinjay】【guillemot】【courser】【racoon】【coelenterate】【tapir】【wombat】【scarab】【eaglet】【drosophila】【constrictor】【budgie】【pterodactyl】【dingo】【Medusa】【arachnid】【polyandrous】【poikilotherm】【capon】【cur】【giant salamander】【sea turtle】【copperhead】【wall lizard】【sea otter】【macaque】【suborder】【grimalkin】【caiman】【plover】【tuatara】【blackbird】【whitethroat】【glowworm】【dromedary】【chaffinch】【chipmunk】【pullet】【emu】等。
pangolinn.穿山甲;鲮;鲮鲤;英英释义 pangolin[ p'ulin ]n.toothless mammal of southern Africa and Asia having a body cove...
详细解释popinjayn.鹦鹉,讲究穿着的人,花花公子;英英释义 popinjay[ 'ppindei ]n.a vain and talkative person (chatters like a parr...
详细解释guillemotn.海鸠;海雀;英英释义 guillemot[ 'ilimt ]n.small black or brown speckled auks of northern seas
详细解释coursern.猎狗,打猎者,骏马;英英释义 courser[ 'k:s ]n.a huntsman who hunts small animals with fast dogs that use sight ...
详细解释racoonn.浣熊;浣熊毛皮;英英释义 racoon[ r'ku:n, r- ]n.an omnivorous nocturnal mammal native to North America and Centra...
详细解释coelenteraten.腔肠动物;英英释义 coelenterate[ si'lentrit, -reit ]n.radially symmetrical animals having saclike bodies w...
详细解释tapirn.貘; 变形 复数:tapirs 英英释义 tapir[ 'teip, -pi, t'pi ]n.large inoffensive chiefly nocturnal ungulate of tropic...
详细解释wombatn.袋熊; 变形 复数:wombats 英英释义 wombat[ 'wmbt, -bt ]n.burrowing herbivorous Australian marsupials about the s...
详细解释scarabn.圣甲虫,圣甲虫形宝石(雕刻成甲虫形状的宝石);英英释义 scarab[ 'skrb ]n.scarabaeid beetle considered divine by a...
详细解释drosophilan.果蝇(因其寿命短,繁殖力强,故将其作为遗传实验用);英英释义 drosophila[ dr'sfil ]n.small fruit fly used by ...
详细解释constrictorn.使压缩之物,括约肌,大蟒;英英释义 constrictor[ kn'strikt ]n.any of various large nonvenomous snakes that k...
详细解释budgien.相思鹦鹉; 变形 复数:budgies 英英释义 budgie[ 'bdi ]n.small Australian parakeet usually light green with black ...
详细解释dingon.澳洲的一种野狗; 变形 复数:dingoes 英英释义 dingo[ 'diu ]n.wolflike yellowish-brown wild dog of Australia同义词:...
详细解释Medusan.水母,水母体;英英释义 Medusa[ mi'dju:z ]n.(Greek mythology) a woman transformed into a Gorgon by Athena; she wa...
详细解释arachnidn.蛛形纲动物;蛛形动物;蜘蛛;英英释义 arachnid[ 'rknid ]n.air-breathing arthropods characterized by simple eyes...
详细解释polyandrousadj.一妻多夫的,一雌多雄(配合)的;英英释义 polyandrous[ ,pli'ndrs ]adj.having more than one husband at a ti...
详细解释poikilothermn.变温动物,冷血动物;英英释义 poikilotherm[ 'pikil:m ]n.an animal whose body temperature varies with the te...
详细解释caponn.阉(公)鸡(尤指养肥供食用的); 变形 复数:capons 英英释义 capon[ 'keipn ]n.flesh of a castrated male chickencas...
详细解释curn.野狗;坏蛋,无赖; 变形 复数:curs 英英释义 cur[ k: ]n.an inferior dog or one of mixed breed同义词:mongrelmutta co...
详细解释giant salamandern.娃娃鱼,鲵;英英释义 giant salamander n.large (up to more than three feet) edible salamander of Asia同...
详细解释sea turtlen.海龟; 变形 复数:sea turtles 英英释义 sea turtle n.any of various large turtles with limbs modified into fl...
详细解释copperheadn.铜斑蛇,南北战争时同情南方的北方人;英英释义 copperhead[ 'kp,hed ]n.common coppery brown pit viper of upland...
详细解释sea ottern.海獭(见于北太平洋沿岸);英英释义 sea otter n.large marine otter of northern Pacific coasts having very thic...
详细解释macaquen.恒河猴,猕猴,叟猴;猢狲;狙;英英释义 macaque[ m'k:k ]n.short-tailed monkey of rocky regions of Asia and Afric...
详细解释subordern.亚目;英英释义 suborder[ 'sb,:d, sb':- ]n.(biology) taxonomic group that is a subdivision of an order
详细解释grimalkinn.猫,老母猫,恶毒的老妇;英英释义 GrimalkinA grimalkin (or greymalkin) is an old or evil-looking female cat.以...
详细解释caimann.凯门鳄; 变形 复数:caimans 英英释义 caiman[ 'keimn ]n.an alligator-like reptile of Central America and South Am...
详细解释plovern.珩,珩科鸟(如凤头麦鸡); 变形 复数:plovers 英英释义 plover[ 'plv ]n.any of numerous chiefly shorebirds of rel...
详细解释tuataran.(新西兰产的)大蜥蜴;英英释义 tuatara[ ,tu:'t:r ]n.only extant member of the order Rhynchocephalia of large sp...
详细解释blackbirdn.黑唱鸫,黑鹂,乌鸦; 变形 复数:blackbirds 英英释义 blackbirdn.any bird of the family Icteridae whose male is...
详细解释whitethroatn.白喉莺,灰白喉林莺;英英释义 whitethroat[ 'hwaitrut ]n.Old World warbler similar to the greater whitethroat...
详细解释glowwormn.萤火虫;英英释义 glowworm[ 'luw:m ]n.the luminous larva or wingless grub-like female of a firefly
详细解释dromedaryn.单峰骆驼;英英释义 dromedary[ 'drmdri ]n.one-humped camel of the hot deserts of northern Africa and southwest...
详细解释chaffinchn.花鸡(一种欧洲鸣禽); 变形 复数:chaffinches 英英释义 chaffinch[ 'tfint ]n.small European finch with a cheer...
详细解释chipmunkn.金花鼠; 变形 复数:chipmunks 英英释义 chipmunk[ 'tipmk ]n.a burrowing ground squirrel of western America and ...
详细解释pulletn.(尤其指不到一年的)小母鸡;英英释义 pullet[ 'pulit ]n.flesh of a medium-sized young chicken suitable for frying...