共 217 个单词
动物及相关词大全相关的的单词有【capybara】【cassowary】【pangolin】【cavy】【cephalopod】【aardwolf】【aardvark】【chelonian】【chiru】【chilopod】【bactrian camel】【bandicoot】【takin】【snow leopard】【snow goose】【tarsier】【soft-shelled turtle】【sperm whale】【hadrosaur】【red deer】【egret】【bharal】【billy goat】【galago】【hawkmoth】【elephant seal】【blesbok】【garter snake】【gemsbok】【stick insect】【wapiti】【wallaroo】【nanny goat】【archaeopteryx】【rhesus macaque】【onager】【water dog】【lightning bug】【gnu】【argali】等。
capybaran.水豚(产于南美洲湖泊溪流间的啮齿动物);英英释义 capybara[ ,kpi'b:r ]n.pig-sized tailless South American amphi...
详细解释cassowaryn.食火鸡; 变形 复数:cassowaries 英英释义 cassowary[ 'kswri ]n.large black flightless bird of Australia and Ne...
详细解释pangolinn.穿山甲;鲮;鲮鲤;英英释义 pangolin[ p'ulin ]n.toothless mammal of southern Africa and Asia having a body cove...
详细解释cavyn.豚鼠,天竺鼠; 变形 复数:cavies 英英释义 cavy[ 'keivi ]n.short-tailed rough-haired South American rodent
详细解释cephalopodn.头足纲动物(如章鱼);英英释义 cephalopod[ 'seflupd ]n.marine mollusk characterized by well-developed head a...
详细解释aardwolfn.土狼; 变形 复数:aardwolves 英英释义 aardwolf[ ':d,wulf ]n.striped hyena of southeast Africa that feeds chief...
详细解释aardvarkn.土豚; 变形 复数:aardvarks 英英释义 aardvark[ ':d,v:k ]n.nocturnal burrowing mammal of the grasslands of Afri...
详细解释chelonianadj.龟类的;n.龟,海龟;英英释义 chelonian[ ki'lunin ]n.a reptile of the order Chelonia同义词:chelonian reptil...
详细解释bactrian camel释义双峰驼;英英释义 bactrian camel n.two-humped camel of the cold deserts of central Asia同义词:Camelus ...
详细解释bandicootn.(澳大利亚、新几内亚袋狸科)袋狸;害鼠;英英释义 bandicoot[ 'bndiku:t ]n.any of various agile ratlike terrest...
详细解释takinn.羚牛,扭角羚;英英释义 takin[ 't:ki:n, -kin, 'tei- ]n.large heavily built goat antelope of eastern Himalayan area...
详细解释snow leopardn.雪豹;英英释义 snow leopard n.large feline of upland central Asia having long thick whitish fur同义词:oun...
详细解释tarsiern.(东印度)眼镜猴,跗猴;英英释义 tarsier[ 't:si ]n.nocturnal arboreal primate of Indonesia and the Philippines ...
详细解释soft-shelled turtle释义甲鱼,鳖;圆鱼;英英释义 soft-shelled turtle n.voracious aquatic turtle with a flat flexible shel...
详细解释sperm whalen.抹香鲸; 变形 复数:sperm whales 英英释义 sperm whale n.large whale with a large cavity in the head contain...
详细解释hadrosaurn.鸭嘴龙(一种嘴像鸭嘴的恐龙);英英释义 hadrosaur[ 'hdrs: ]n.any of numerous large bipedal ornithischian dinos...
详细解释red deern.马鹿;麖;水鹿;英英释义 red deer n.common deer of temperate Europe and Asia同义词:Cervus elaphus
详细解释egretn.白鹭;鹭鹭;鹭鸶;英英释义 egret[ 'i:ret ]n.any of various usually white herons having long plumes during breedin...
详细解释galagon.狉,丛猴,夜猴;英英释义 galago[ 'leiu ]n.agile long-tailed nocturnal African lemur with dense woolly fur and la...
详细解释hawkmothn.天蛾(有窄小的前翅和短粗的腹部);英英释义 hawkmoth[ 'h:km: ]n.any of various moths with long narrow forewings...
详细解释elephant sealn.海象,象海豹;英英释义 elephant seal n.either of two large northern Atlantic earless seals having snouts ...
详细解释blesbokn.(一种南非产面部有一斑的)大羚羊;英英释义 BlesbokThe blesbok or blesbuck (Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi) is an...
详细解释garter snake释义[医]乌蛇,乌梢蛇;英英释义 garter snake n.any of numerous nonvenomous longitudinally-striped viviparous ...
详细解释gemsbokn.南非产的大羚羊的一种; 变形 复数:gemsboksgemsbok 英英释义 gemsbok[ 'emzbk ]n.large South African oryx with a b...
详细解释stick insectn.竹节虫; 变形 复数:stick insects 英英释义 stick insect n.any of various mostly tropical insects having lo...
详细解释wapitin.麋鹿; 变形 复数:wapitiswapiti 英英释义 wapiti[ 'wpiti ]n.large North American deer with large much-branched an...
详细解释wallaroon.大袋鼠; 变形 复数:wallaroos 英英释义 WallarooA wallaroo is a medium-sized marsupial. It can also be:以上来源...
详细解释archaeopteryxn.始祖鸟;英英释义 archaeopteryx[ ,:ki'ptriks ]n.extinct primitive toothed bird of the Jurassic period havi...
详细解释onagern.中亚野驴,(古代兵器)弩炮(用以发射石块等); 变形 复数:onagers 英英释义 onager[ 'nd ]n.medieval artillery use...
详细解释water dogn.会水的狗;水性好的人;水獭;(下雨前的)小云层英英释义 water dog n.a person who enjoys being in or on the wat...
详细解释lightning bugn.萤火虫; 变形 复数:lightning bugs 英英释义 lightning bug n.nocturnal beetle common in warm regions havin...
详细解释gnun.角马(南非产的像牛的大羚羊); 变形 复数:gnus 英英释义 gnu[ nju: ]n.large African antelope having a head with horn...