共 52 个单词
化妆品常用单词相关的的单词有【bearberry】【wash off】【skin care】【toning lotion】【nail saver】【lip coat】【makeup remover】【nail polish remover】【pressed powder】【alcohol-free】【Anti-wrinkle】【calendula】【shading powder】【brow pencil】【remover】【hair conditioner】【night cream】【facial tissue】【eye liner】【essential oil】【squalene】【bha】【brow brush】【loose powder】【long lasting】【sun block】【exfoliate】【electric shaver】【lash curler】【facial mask】【concealer】【sun cream】【hairdressing】【atomizer】【wrist watch】【nail polish】【cold cream】【hair spray】【high heels】【cosmetics case】等。
bearberryn.结红果实的桃类; 变形 复数:bearberries 英英释义 bearberry[ 'bbri ]n.shrubby tree of the Pacific coast of the...
详细解释wash off释义(使)清除掉, 清洗掉;英英释义 wash off v.remove by the application of water or other liquid and soap or so...
详细解释calendulan.金盏花属植物;英英释义 calendula[ k'lendjul ]n.any of numerous chiefly annual herbs of the genus Calendula wi...
详细解释removern.搬运工,去除剂; 变形 复数:removers 英英释义 remover[ ri'mu:v ]n.a solvent that removes a substance (usually f...
详细解释hair conditioner释义护发素;英英释义 Hair conditionerA 19th-century [[advertisement for 9 hair care products from a comp...
详细解释facial tissuen.擦面纸,化妆纸;纸巾;英英释义 facial tissue n.tissue paper suitable for use on the face
详细解释eye liner释义眼睑膏;英英释义 eye liner n.makeup applied to emphasize the shape of the eyes同义词:eyeliner
详细解释essential oiln.香精油;英英释义 essential oil n.an oil having the odor or flavor of the plant from which it comes; used ...
详细解释long lasting释义长效的;历久不衰;英英释义 long lasting adj.existing for a long time同义词:durablelastinglong-lastinglo...
详细解释sun blockn.防晒乳;英英释义 sun block n.a cream spread on the skin; contains a chemical (as PABA) to filter out ultravio...
详细解释electric shavern.电动刮胡刀,电动剃须刀;电须刀;英英释义 electric shaver n.a razor powered by an electric motor同义词:...
详细解释concealern.遮暇产品,遮暇化妆品,[法] 包庇者,隐藏者; 双语释义v.(动词)vt. 隐藏; 隐瞒,遮住 hide; keep secret; keep sb/st...
详细解释hairdressingn.理发;做发;理发业;美发剂英英释义 hairdressingn.a toiletry for the hair同义词:hair tonichair oilhair gre...
详细解释atomizern.喷雾器,香水喷瓶;英英释义 atomizer[ 'tumaiz ]n.a dispenser that turns a liquid (such as perfume) into a fine ...
详细解释wrist watchn.手表;英英释义 wrist watch n.a watch that is worn strapped to the wrist同义词:wristwatch
详细解释nail polishn.指甲油,趾甲油; 变形 复数:nail polishes 英英释义 nail polish n.a cosmetic lacquer that dries quickly and ...
详细解释cold creamn.雪花膏,冷霜(一种化妆品);英英释义 cold cream n.a cream used cosmetically (mostly by women) for softening ...
详细解释hair sprayn.喷发定型剂;喷发剂;英英释义 hair spray n.toiletry consisting of a commercial preparation that is sprayed on...
详细解释high heelsn.高跟鞋;英英释义 High HeelsHigh Heels is a 1918 Australian short silent film directed by P.J.以上来源于:Wiki...