共 28 个单词
北非谍影或名卡萨布兰卡相关的的单词有【ain't】【through with】【Medina】【Deutsche Bank】【human beings】【exit visa】【concentration camp】【Third Reich】【business-like】【great deal】【butt in】【overstay】【march into】【march out】【ran out】【diplomatist】【sentimentalist】【broadminded】【Lille】【problematical】【no less】【downhearted】【tinny】【misinform】【black market】【New York City】【heroics】【walk up】等。
ain'tprep.不是;释义没有;英英释义 Ain'tAin't is a contraction for "am not", "is not", "are not", "has not", and "have n...
详细解释through with释义完成;英英释义 through with adj.having finished or arrived at completion同义词:donethroughhaving no fur...
详细解释Medinan.(北非城市中的)阿拉伯人[非欧洲人]聚居区;英英释义 Medina[ me'di:n ]n.a city in western Saudi Arabia; site of th...
详细解释human beingsn.人类( human being的名词复数 );英英释义 human beings n.all of the living human inhabitants of the earth同义...
详细解释concentration campn.集中营; 变形 复数:concentration camps 英英释义 concentration camp n.a penal camp where political p...
详细解释Third Reich释义第三帝国;英英释义 Third Reich n.the Nazi dictatorship under Hitler (1933-1945)同义词:Nazi Germany
详细解释business-likeadj.有条不紊的网络商业化;商业化的;高效有序 英英释义 business-likeadj.exhibiting methodical and systematic...
详细解释great dealn.大量;英英释义 great deal n.(often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent同义词:batchdealfloc...
详细解释butt in释义插嘴,插手,干涉;冒然闯入;英英释义 butt in v.break into a conversation同义词:chime incut input inchisel in...
详细解释march out释义退场式;英英释义 march out v.march out (as from a defile) into open ground同义词:debouch
详细解释diplomatistn.外交能手,有权谋的人;英英释义 diplomatist[ di'plumtist ]n.an official engaged in international negotiation...
详细解释sentimentalistn.多愁善感者,感伤主义者; 变形 复数:sentimentalists 英英释义 sentimentalist[ ,senti'mentlist ]n.someone ...
详细解释broadmindedadj.宽宏大量的,心胸开阔的,无偏见的;心胸豁达;英英释义 BroadmindedBroadminded is a daily talk and entertain...
详细解释Lille释义里尔(法国北部城市);英英释义 Lille[ 'li:l ]n.an industrial city in northern France near the Belgian border; w...
详细解释problematicaladj.问题的,有疑问的;英英释义 problematical[ ,prbl'mtikl ]adj.open to doubt or debate同义词:debatableprob...
详细解释downheartedadj.沮丧的,灰心丧气的;衰飒;短气;心灰意冷英英释义 downhearted[ 'daun'h:tid ]adj.low in spirits"feeling dis...
详细解释tinnyadj.声音不悦耳、尖细的;英英释义 tinny[ 'tini ]adj.of or containing tinof very poor quality; flimsy同义词:bumcheap...
详细解释misinformvt.向…提供错误的消息,误导; 变形 过去式:misinformed过去分词:misinformed现在分词:misinforming第三人称单数:...
详细解释black market释义黑市; 变形 复数:black markets 英英释义 black market n.people who engage in illicit tradean illegal mar...