共 767 个单词
医学英语词汇相关的的单词有【sarcoplasm】【salivation】【salpingectomy】【schizont】【schizogony】【scarlatina】【schizoid】【scleroiritis】【scolex】【sebaceous gland】【seclusive】【calvaria】【calcaneal】【calyces】【sella】【candida albicans】【cardiometer】【causalgia】【cataplexy】【pancreatectomy】【parafollicular】【Parkinson's disease】【central venous pressure】【cephalopelvic disproportion】【celiac disease】【centroplast】【cercaria】【Cesarean section】【sialolithiasis】【sialadenitis】【chemoreceptor】【cheilitis】【cheiloplasty】【acapnia】【accessional】【abruption】【acentric】【acetyl coa】【pelvic girdle】【pedicel】等。
sarcoplasmn.肌质,肌浆;英英释义 sarcoplasm[ 's:kplzm ]n.the cytoplasm of a striated muscle fiber
详细解释salpingectomyn.输卵管切除术; 变形 复数:salpingectomies 英英释义 salpingectomy[ ,slpin'dektmi ]n.surgical removal of on...
详细解释schizogonyn.分裂生殖;英英释义 schizogony[ ski'zni, skit's- ]n.asexual reproduction by multiple fission; characteristic ...
详细解释scarlatinan.猩红热;英英释义 scarlatina[ ,sk:l'ti:n ]n.an acute communicable disease (usually in children) characterized...
详细解释schizoidadj.精神分裂症的;n.精神分裂症患者;英英释义 schizoid[ 'skidzid, 'skits- ]n.characterized by symptoms similar to...
详细解释sebaceous glandn.皮脂腺;英英释义 sebaceous gland n.a cutaneous gland that secretes sebum (usually into a hair follicle)...
详细解释sella释义[医] 鞍;英英释义 SellaSella is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释candida albicans释义白念珠菌;英英释义 candida albicans n.a parasitic fungus that can infect the mouth or the skin or th...
详细解释causalgian.灼性神经痛;灼痛;英英释义 causalgia[ k:'zldi ]n.a burning pain in a limb along the course of a peripheral ne...
详细解释pancreatectomyn.胰切除术;英英释义 pancreatectomy[ ,pnkri'tektmi ]n.surgical removal of part or all of the pancreas
详细解释Parkinson's disease释义帕金森氏症,震颤性麻痹;英英释义 Parkinson's disease [ 'pa:kinsnz dizi:z ]n.a degenerative disord...
详细解释central venous pressure释义中心静脉压;英英释义 Central venous pressureCentral venous pressure (CVP) (also known as: rig...
详细解释celiac disease释义乳糜泻,脂泻病;英英释义 celiac disease n.a disorder in children and adults; inability to tolerate whe...
详细解释cercarian.摇尾幼虫,尾蚴; 变形 复数:cercariae 英英释义 cercaria[ s:'kri ]n.tadpole-shaped parasitic larva of a tremato...
详细解释Cesarean sectionn.剖腹产术;英英释义 Cesarean section n.the delivery of a fetus by surgical incision through the abdomin...
详细解释sialadenitisn.涎腺炎;英英释义 sialadenitis[ 'sai,ld'naitis ]n.inflammation of the salivary glands
详细解释chemoreceptorn.化学感应器;英英释义 chemoreceptor[ ,kemuri'sept ]n.a sensory receptor that responds to chemical stimuli
详细解释cheilitisn.唇炎;英英释义 cheilitis[ kai'laitis ]n.inflammation and cracking of the skin of the lips
详细解释cheiloplastyn.唇成形术;英英释义 CheiloplastyCheiloplasty or lip reduction (from kheilos – "lip") is the technical term...
详细解释acapnian.血液二氧化碳缺乏;缺碳酸血;英英释义 acapnia[ 'kpni ]n.a state in which the level of carbon dioxide in the bloo...
详细解释abruptionn.分裂,分离;英英释义 abruption[ 'brpn ]n.an instance of sudden interruption同义词:breaking off
详细解释acentricadj.无中心的,离心的;英英释义 acentric[ esntrk ]adj.lacking a centromere"an acentric chromosome fragment"not ce...
详细解释pelvic girdle释义骨盆带;英英释义 pelvic girdle n.the structure of the vertebrate skeleton supporting the lower limbs in...