共 102 个单词
十天突破雅思写作-分卷必备掌中宝剑9版-慎小嶷相关的的单词有【personality trait】【manned space】【physical strength】【space exploration】【market oriented】【theoretical knowledge】【laboursaving】【biassed】【gain knowledge】【employable skill】【well rounded】【virtual world】【dominant role】【Public Interest】【noncommercial】【local residents】【attend school】【print media】【product placement】【interpersonal skill】【a wide variety of】【sensationalise】【spamming】【technological innovation】【moral values】【public welfare】【office block】【historic site】【greying】【labour shortage】【first hand】【crop yield】【city planning】【healthcare system】【Dependence on】【Laboratory Animals】【food additives】【national security】【energy source】【hybrid vehicle】等。
physical strengthn.体力;气力;力量;英英释义 Physical strengthPhysical strength is the ability of a person or animal to...
详细解释space exploration释义空间探索;英英释义 Space explorationSpace exploration is the discovery and exploration of outer spa...
详细解释laboursavingadj.节省劳力的,减轻劳动力的;英英释义 laboursaving[ 'leib,seivi ]adj.designed to replace or conserve human ...
详细解释well rounded释义[体]技术全面的;英英释义 well rounded adj.many-sided同义词:all-around(a)all-round(a)well-rounded
详细解释virtual world释义虚拟世界;英英释义 Virtual WorldVirtual World is the sixth young adult novel by the English writer Chri...
详细解释Public Interest释义公共利益;英英释义 Public interestThe public interest refers to the "common well-being"or "general we...
详细解释noncommercialadj.非营利的;英英释义 noncommercial[ ,nnk'm:l ]adj.not connected with or engaged in commercial enterprises
详细解释office block释义办公大楼;英英释义 office block n.a building containing offices where work is done同义词:office buildin...
详细解释historic site释义古迹;英英释义 Historic siteA historic site is an official location where pieces of political, military...
详细解释greying释义石墨化;斑白;英英释义 grey[ 'reii ]n.United States writer of western adventure novels (1875-1939)同义词:Zan...
详细解释first hand释义[体]第一家;英英释义 first hand adj.received directly from a source同义词:firsthandadv.at first hand or d...
详细解释crop yield释义农作物产量,作物产量;英英释义 Crop yieldIn agriculture, crop yield (also known as "agricultural output") ...
详细解释city planning释义城市规划;英英释义 city planning n.determining and drawing up plans for the future physical arrangement...
详细解释national security释义国家安全,民族安全;英英释义 National SecurityNational Security is a 2003 action comedy film, direc...
详细解释hybrid vehicle释义混合驱动汽车;英英释义 Hybrid vehicleA hybrid vehicle is a vehicle which uses a mixture of power or fu...