共 102 个单词
十天突破雅思写作-分卷必备掌中宝剑9版-慎小嶷相关的的单词有【urban residents】【car accident】【ageing population】【opposite sex】【traffic jams】【arms race】【high fat】【exhaust fume】【sleep deprivation】【population boom】【economic boom】【reliance on】【equal opportunity】【gender discrimination】【irreversible damage】【urbanisation】【animal testing】【language barrier】【government spending】【concerned about】【job security】【space race】【a sense of belonging】【multisensory】【sedentary lifestyle】【medical research】【dietary habit】【bia】【fertile soil】【ecological equilibrium】【natural science】【cultural assimilation】【gender equality】【central business district】【respiratory disease】【family values】【information overload】【social sciences】【violate the law】【household chores】等。
traffic jams英英释义 traffic jam n.a number of vehicles blocking one another until they can scarcely move同义词:snarl-u...
详细解释arms racen.军备竞赛;英英释义 arms race n.a competition between nations to have the most powerful armaments
详细解释sleep deprivation释义睡眠剥夺;英英释义 sleep deprivation n.a form of psychological torture inflicted by depriving the v...
详细解释equal opportunity释义均等机会;英英释义 equal opportunity n.the right to equivalent opportunities for employment regardl...
详细解释urbanisationn.城市化(等于urbanization);英英释义 urbanisation[ ,:bnai'zein ]n.the condition of being urbanized同义词:...
详细解释animal testingn.(研发新药或新产品时在动物身上进行的)动物试验;英英释义 Animal testingAnimal testing, also known as ani...
详细解释language barriern.语言障碍;英英释义 language barrier n.barrier to communication resulting from speaking different langu...
详细解释government spending英英释义 Government spendingIn National Income Accounting, government spending, government expenditur...
详细解释job security释义工作保障,职业安全;英英释义 Job securityJob security is the probability that an individual will keep hi...
详细解释space race释义太空竞赛;英英释义 Space Race"Space Race"is the two-part season finale of the third season of the animated...
详细解释sedentary lifestyle英英释义 Sedentary lifestyleIncreases in sedentary behaviors such as watching television are characte...
详细解释bia释义[医][=bacteria inhibition assay]抑菌测定;英英释义 BiaBia is a genus of butterflies, named by Hbner in 1819. They...
详细解释natural sciencen.自然科学;博物;英英释义 natural science n.the sciences involved in the study of the physical world and...
详细解释cultural assimilation释义文化训练;英英释义 Cultural assimilationCultural assimilation is the process by which a person ...
详细解释central business district释义商业中心区;英英释义 Central business districtA central business district (CBD, also called...
详细解释respiratory disease释义呼吸道疾病;英英释义 respiratory disease n.a disease affecting the respiratory system同义词:resp...
详细解释family values释义家庭价值观;英英释义 Family Values"Family Values"(alternate title: "Happy Family") is an eighth-season ...
详细解释information overload释义信息过载;信息过多;英英释义 Information OverloadInformation Overload is an album by Alien Sex F...
详细解释social sciencesn.社会科学( social science的名词复数 );英英释义 social science n.the branch of science that studies soci...