共 102 个单词
十天突破雅思写作-分卷必备掌中宝剑9版-慎小嶷相关的的单词有【social networking website】【maternal instinct】【information highway】【ethnic minorities】【population ageing】【cultural diversity】【commercial building】【acquire knowledge】【distance education】【animal rights】【crime rate】【up to the minute】【mutual understanding】【repeat offender】【chemical fertiliser】【ecological balance】【overgraze】【work schedule】【rural area】【career path】【violent crime】【cloud computing】等。
population ageing英英释义 Population ageingPopulation ageing is a phenomenon that occurs when the median age of a countr...
详细解释cultural diversity释义文化多样性;英英释义 Cultural diversityCultural diversity is the quality of diverse or different c...
详细解释commercial building释义商业建筑;英英释义 Commercial buildingA commercial office/retail building.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释distance education释义广播、函授教育;英英释义 Distance educationDistance education, distance learning, dlearning, or D-...
详细解释animal rights释义(主张公平对待动物所提出的)兽权;英英释义 Animal rightsAnimal rights is the idea that the most basic i...
详细解释crime rate释义犯罪率;英英释义 crime rate n.the ratio of crimes in an area to the population of that area; expressed per...
详细解释up to the minute释义最新的,最新式的;英英释义 up to the minute adj.up to the immediate present; most recent or most up-...
详细解释mutual understanding释义[法] 互相谅解;英英释义 mutual understanding n.sympathy of each person for the other同义词:mutu...
详细解释repeat offender释义[法]累犯; 变形 复数:repeat offenders 英英释义 Repeat OffenderRepeat Offender is the third solo albu...
详细解释violent crime释义暴力罪行;英英释义 Violent crimeA violent crime or crime of violence is a crime in which the offender u...
详细解释cloud computingn.云计算(Cloud Computing)是一种新兴的商业计算模型。它将计算任务分布在大量计算机构成的资源池上,使各种应用...