共 19 个单词
千词百练-四级考前必背1000词相关的的单词有【advanced technology】【Blind Faith】【present oneself】【on a basis of】【near sighted】【upper class】【knock back】【belong in】【optimistical】【saturated fat】【liberal art】【repave】【a wide variety of】【grand total】【user friendly】【reframe】【be obliged to do】【figure on】【to a large extent】等。
near sighted双语释义adj.(形容词)近视的 unable to see objects clearly if they are not close to the eyes 英英释义 near sig...
详细解释upper classn.上层社会,贵族阶层; 变形 复数:upper classes 英英释义 upper class n.the class occupying the highest positi...
详细解释knock back释义回敲;使大吃一惊;使花费掉;猛饮英英释义 knock back v.cost a certain amount同义词:set backput back
详细解释saturated fat释义(来自肉类和乳类的)饱和脂肪;英英释义 Saturated fatSaturated fat is fat that consists of triglycerides...
详细解释grand total释义总共,总计,合计;总值;累计;英英释义 grand total n.the sum of the sums of several groups of numbers