共 57 个单词
scrappern.好打架的人,拳击手;爱吵架的人;英英释义 scrapper[ 'skrp ]n.someone who fights (or is fighting)同义词:combata...
详细解释afterworldn.阴间;阴世;后代;后世英英释义 afterworld[ ':ftw:ld, 'f- ]n.the place where you are after you die
详细解释agonn.斗争,有奖竞赛; 变形 复数:agonesagons 英英释义 agon[ 'un ]n.a festivity in ancient Greece at which competitors c...
详细解释datableadj.可确定时代的;n.按日计工资;英英释义 datable[ 'deitbl ]adj.that can be given a date"a concrete and datable ha...
详细解释sophisticadj.诡辩的,强词夺理的;英英释义 sophistic[ s'fistik ]adj.of or pertaining to sophistsplausible but misleading同...
详细解释anabasisn.前进;军事远征,进军; 变形 复数:anabases 英英释义 AnabasisAnabasis is a genus of the subfamily Salsoloideae ...
详细解释blackien.黑人;英英释义 BlackieBlackie is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释Arcadian.阿卡狄亚,世外桃源;英英释义 Arcadia[ :'keidi ]n.a department of Greece in the central Peloponnese
详细解释enthronementn.即位,就任主教的仪式,登基典礼; 变形 复数:enthronements 英英释义 enthronement[ en'runmnt ]n.the ceremony...
详细解释bozon.家伙,(尤指四肢发达,头脑简单的)大汉; 变形 复数:bozos 英英释义 bozo[ 'buzu ]n.a man who is a stupid incompeten...
详细解释inspiritv.激励; 变形 过去式:inspirited过去分词:inspirited现在分词:inspiriting第三人称单数:inspirits 英英释义 inspir...
详细解释Homericadj.荷马的,荷马时代的,荷马式的;英英释义 Homeric[ hu'merik ]adj.relating to or characteristic of Homer or his a...
详细解释disinterestn.无兴趣;不关心;冷漠;客观英英释义 disinterest[ dis'intrist, -'intrist ]n.tolerance attributable to a lack ...
详细解释pico释义[计] 微微;英英释义 PicoPico (Pine composer) is a text editor for Unix and Unix-based computer systems. It is in...
详细解释accusativeadj.& n.宾格(的),宾语(的);英英释义 accusative[ 'kju:ztiv ]n.the category of nouns serving as the direct ...
详细解释adulterationn.掺假;掺杂,掺假货;英英释义 adulteration[ 'dltrein ]n.being mixed with extraneous material; the product o...
详细解释Nietzschen.尼采(德国哲学家,1844-1900);英英释义 Nietzsche[ 'ni:t ]n.influential German philosopher remembered for his...
详细解释dyabbr.day 天;duty 义务;dynamotor 电动发电机;delivery 递送英英释义 dy[ dai ]n.a trivalent metallic element of the rar...
详细解释Hobbes释义霍布斯(姓氏; Thomas, 1588-1679,英国哲学家);英英释义 Hobbes[ hbz ]n.English materialist and political phil...
详细解释goodlyadj.优秀的,优美的;英英释义 goodly[ 'udli ]adj.large in amount or extent or degree"a goodly amount"同义词:goodis...
详细解释Evans释义埃文斯(姓氏);英英释义 Evans[ 'evnz ]n.United States anatomist who identified four pituitary hormones and dis...
详细解释Robinsonn.爱独立工作(生活)的人,独自干大事;鲁滨逊;英英释义 Robinson[ 'rbinsn ]n.English chemist noted for his studie...
详细解释Iliad释义(古希腊描写特洛伊战争的英雄史诗,相传为荷马所作);英英释义 Iliad[ 'ilid ]n.a Greek epic poem (attributed to H...
详细解释Rhode释义[人名] 罗德;英英释义 RhodeIn Greek mythology, Rhode (Ῥ) also known as Rhodos (Ancient Greek: Ῥ) was the sea ...
详细解释fibulan.腓骨,(古希腊、罗马)搭扣,扣针; 变形 复数:fibulae 英英释义 fibula[ 'fibjul ]n.the outer and thinner of the t...