共 221 个单词
calloutn.插图的编号;英英释义 CalloutDescription callout panel in NeoOffice Writer Draw Toolbar.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释septetn.七重奏,七人一组;七位字节;英英释义 septet[ ,sep'tet ]n.the cardinal number that is the sum of six and one同义词...
详细解释centeringn.置于中心,定中心;v.集中( center的现在分词 );使聚集在一点;定中心;居中英英释义 centering[ 'sentri ]n.the co...
详细解释cedillan.变音符号; 变形 复数:cedillas 英英释义 cedilla[ si'dil ]n.a diacritical mark (,) placed below the letter c to ...
详细解释abendn.异常结束,异常终止;英英释义 AbendAbend is a German-language surname, meaning "evening". Notable people with the ...
详细解释baudn.波特;英英释义 baud[ b:d ]n.(computer science) a data transmission rate (bits/second) for modems同义词:baud rate
详细解释teleprocessingn.远程处理;英英释义 teleprocessing[ ,teli'prusesi, -'pr- ]n.data processing in which some of the function...
详细解释db释义decibel 分贝;英英释义 dbn.a transuranic element同义词:dubniumhahniumelement 105atomic number 105a logarithmic un...
详细解释decollatevt.斩首,杀头;多份副本分开;英英释义 decollate[ di'kleit, 'dekleit ]v.cut the head of同义词:decapitatebehead
详细解释photodetectorn.光电探测器;光检测器;英英释义 PhotodetectorPhotosensors or photodetectors are sensors of light or other ...
详细解释picosecondn.皮(可)秒,微微秒,万亿分之一秒(时间单位,符号为psec或ps);英英释义 picosecondn.one trillionth (10^-12) o...
详细解释denaryadj.十的,十进的;英英释义 denary[ 'di:nri, 'de- ]adj.containing ten or ten parts同义词:tenfoldten-foldnumbered o...
详细解释mantissan.尾数; 变形 复数:mantissas 英英释义 mantissa[ mn'tis ]n.the positive fractional part of the representation of...
详细解释plaintextn.明码文本;英英释义 PlaintextIn cryptography, plaintext is information a sender wishes to transmit to a receiv...
详细解释platenn.压盘,滚筒;压纸卷筒;台板;压板英英释义 platen[ 'pltn ]n.work table of a machine toolthe flat plate of a printi...
详细解释alphamericadj.包括按字母与号码的(一组字);英英释义 alphameric[ ,lf'merik,-kl ]adj.of or pertaining to alphanumeric cha...
详细解释complexitiesn.复杂性(complexity的名词复数);复杂的事物;英英释义 complexity[ km'pleksitiz ]n.the quality of being intric...
详细解释fastbackn.长坡度的车顶,有长坡度车顶的汽车;英英释义 FastBackFastBack Plus 1.0 for DOS, circa 1987.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释effectivityn.有效,功效;英英释义 effectivity[ i,fek'tivti ]n.power to be effective; the quality of being able to bring ...
详细解释tilden.加在西班牙语n字上的发音符号; 变形 复数:tildes 英英释义 tilde[ 'tild ]n.a diacritical mark (~) placed over the l...
详细解释stackern.栈式存储器;堆包机;叠式存储器;叠卡片机英英释义 stacker[ 'stk ]n.a laborer who builds up a stack or pile
详细解释diaeresisn.分音符号;英英释义 diaeresis[ dai'irisis, -'rsis ]n.a diacritical mark (two dots) placed over a vowel in Germ...
详细解释differentiatorn.区分者,微分器;英英释义 differentiator[ ,dif'renieit ]n.a person who differentiates同义词:discriminato...
详细解释reentrantn.再进去,凹角;adj.再进去的,凹角的;英英释义 reentrant[ ri:'entrnt ]adj.(of angles) pointing inward同义词:re...
详细解释metafilen.元文件,图元文件;英英释义 MetafileMetafile is a [term for a file format that can store multiple types of data...
详细解释embossmentn.浮雕工作,浮凸装饰,浮雕; 变形 复数:embossments 英英释义 embossment[ im'bsmnt ]n.an impression produced by...