共 56 个单词
呼吸系统百歌医学单词USMLE相关的的单词有【nasal polyp】【hypercoagulability】【goodpasture syndrome】【pneumocyte】【prostaglandins】【hepatosplenomegaly】【Cor pulmonale】【oral prednisone】【centrilobular】【progressive dementia】【Hyperhomocysteinemia】【chemotactic factors】【Late phase reaction】【bronchodilator】【internal intercostals】【epithelium injury】【dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine】【Patent ductus arteriosus】【chest trauma】【Hemoglobin Modification】【paradoxical embolism】【Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome】【chronic bronchitis】【subclavian artery】【psammoma bodies】【scalene muscle】【noncaseating granulomas】【pulmonary artery】【situs inversus】【alveolar microanatomy】【panacinar】【Pulmonary Embolism】【eosinophils】【Antithrombin】【external intercostal muscle】【mesothelia】【immediate hypersensitivity】【horner's syndrome】【activates bradykinin】【rectus abdominis】等。
pneumocyte释义[医]肺细胞;英英释义 PneumocyteTwo types of pneumocytes (also named pneumonocyte) contribute to the mainte...
详细解释prostaglandins释义前列腺素类;英英释义 prostaglandinn.a potent substance that acts like a hormone and is found in many b...
详细解释Cor pulmonale释义肺源性心脏病;英英释义 Cor pulmonale [ 'k:,pum'nli ]n.enlargement of the right ventricle of the heart d...
详细解释bronchodilatorn.支气管扩张药,支气管扩张器;英英释义 bronchodilator[ ,brkudai'leit ]n.a drug that relaxes and dilates th...
详细解释Patent ductus arteriosus释义动脉导管未闭;英英释义 Patent ductus arteriosus n.a ductus arteriosus that failed to close a...
详细解释paradoxical embolism释义反常栓塞;英英释义 Paradoxical embolismA paradoxical embolism is a kind of stroke or other form ...
详细解释chronic bronchitis释义慢性支气管炎;英英释义 chronic bronchitis n.a form of bronchitis characterized by excess productio...
详细解释subclavian artery释义锁骨下动脉;英英释义 subclavian artery n.either of two arteries that supply blood to the neck and a...
详细解释scalene muscle释义斜角肌;英英释义 scalene muscle n.any of four pairs of muscles extending from the cervical vertebrae t...
详细解释pulmonary arteryn.肺动脉;英英释义 pulmonary artery n.one of two arteries (branches of the pulmonary trunk) that carry v...
详细解释Pulmonary Embolism释义肺栓塞;英英释义 Pulmonary Embolism n.blockage of the pulmonary artery by foreign matter or by a b...
详细解释eosinophils释义[医]嗜酸性细胞,嗜酸粒细胞;英英释义 eosinophiln.a leukocyte readily stained with eosin同义词:eosinophil...
详细解释Antithrombinn.抗凝血酶;英英释义 AntithrombinAntithrombin (AT) is a small protein molecule that inactivates several enzy...
详细解释horner's syndrome释义伯-霍二氏综合征,颈交感神经节麻痹;英英释义 horner's syndrome n.a pattern of symptoms occurring as ...