共 88 个单词
国际组织相关的的单词有【OCAS】【ICRC】【UEA】【WEU】【EBU】【Economic Community of West African States】【CDB】【Afro-Asian Journalists' Association】【European Organization for Nuclear Research】【Communaute Economique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest】【Islamic Conference】【idb】【IBEC】【World Peace Council】【Asian and Pacific Council】【Central American Market】【Conference of Heads of State and Government of East and Central African Countries】【IADB】【afdb】【Nordic Council】【ECOWAS】【Western European Union】【International Radio and Television Organization】【North Atlantic Treaty Organization】【International Red Cross Conference】【Caribbean community】【IPU】【Association of South East Asian Nations】【oapec】【Inter-American Development Bank】【Intelsat】【EFTA】【French Community】【International Pen】【ANCOM】【International Organization of Journalists】【IOJ】【World Federation of Trade Unions】【International Confederation of Free Trade Union】【Organization of American States】等。
ICRCabbr.International Committee of the Red Cross 国际红十字委员会;英英释义 ICRCThe ICRC is the International Committee...
详细解释EBUabbr.European Broadcast Union 欧洲广播联盟;英英释义 EbuEbu () is a town of Haifeng County in eastern Guangdong provi...
详细解释Economic Community of West African States释义[法]西非国家经济共同体;
详细解释CDB释义[医]Common Data Bus;英英释义 CDB"CDB"may also refer to as the Charlie Daniels Band, the band of American musicia...
详细解释European Organization for Nuclear Research释义[医]欧洲核研究组织;
详细解释idbabbr.illicit diamond buying 违法购买金刚石;intercept during burning 在烧期间截取,截断燃烧;英英释义 IDBIDB can mean...
详细解释IBECabbr.immortomouse brain capillary endothelial cells 永生小鼠脑毛细血管内皮细胞;International Bank for Economic Coop...
详细解释World Peace Council释义世界和平理事会;英英释义 World Peace CouncilThe World Peace Council (WPC) is an international org...
详细解释Conference of Heads of State and Government of East and Central African Countries
详细解释North Atlantic Treaty Organization释义北大西洋公约组织(=NATO);英英释义 North Atlantic Treaty Organization n.an internat...
详细解释IPUabbr.Inter-Parliamentary Union 诸国会议同盟;英英释义 IpuIpu was a royal nurse during the 18th dynasty of ancient Egy...
详细解释Inter-American Development Bankn.泛美开发银行;英英释义 Inter-American Development BankThe Inter-American Development Ba...
详细解释French Community释义法兰西共同市场;英英释义 French CommunityThe French Community (in French Communaut franaise) was an ...
详细解释Organization of American States释义美洲国家组织;英英释义 Organization of American States n.an association of countries ...