共 414 个单词
地球脉动-第二季Planet-Earth-Ⅱ相关的的单词有【capybara】【sifaka】【skua】【bod】【indri】【sur】【viscacha】【multicoloured】【orchid】【fuel】【noddy】【locust】【graze on】【groundsel】【loop back】【shearwater】【hawksbill】【tough out】【komodo】【bee-eater】【aerobatics】【langur】【yack】【oryx】【rip apart】【tantalising】【kalahari】【barbel】【tarp】【grazer】【butcherbird】【namaqua】【comm】【jodhpur】【saiga】【goshawk】【wels】【whodunnit】【velociraptor】【wingman】等。
capybaran.水豚(产于南美洲湖泊溪流间的啮齿动物);英英释义 capybara[ ,kpi'b:r ]n.pig-sized tailless South American amphi...
详细解释bodn.人; 变形 复数:bods 英英释义 bodn.alternative names for the body of a human being"Leonardo studied the human body"...
详细解释indrin.马达加斯加大狐猴;英英释义 indri[ 'indri ]n.large short-tailed lemur of Madagascar having thick silky fur in blac...
详细解释sur释义在来自古法语的英语中与super-同义;如:surrender;surcharge;surface英英释义 sur[ s: ]n.a port in southern Lebanon...
详细解释viscachan.南美产的齿类动物的一种;英英释义 viscacha[ vis'kt, 'k:- ]n.gregarious burrowing rodent larger than the chinchi...
详细解释multicolouredadj.多色彩的,五彩缤纷的;斑斓;花;花花绿绿英英释义 multicoloured[ 'mlti,kld ]adj.having sections or patch...
详细解释orchidn.兰花; 变形 复数:orchids 英英释义 orchid[ ':kid ]n.any of numerous plants of the orchid family usually having f...
详细解释noddyn.笨人,傻瓜,燕鸥类; 变形 复数:noddies 英英释义 NoddyNoddy, also named as The Noddy Shop, is an American-Canadia...
详细解释locustn.蝗虫,蚱蜢;[植]角豆树;[植]洋槐;破坏者 变形 复数:locusts 英英释义 locust[ 'lukst ]n.migratory grasshoppers of...
详细解释groundseln.千里光属植物;英英释义 groundsel[ 'randsl ]n.Eurasian weed with heads of small yellow flowers同义词:Senecio ...
详细解释loop back释义[计]回送,返回;英英释义 LoopbackLoopback (loop-back) refer to the routing of electronic signals, digital d...
详细解释shearwatern.剪嘴鸥;英英释义 shearwater[ 'i,w:t, -,w- ]n.long-winged oceanic bird that in flight skims close to the wave...
详细解释hawksbilln.玳瑁(一种中型海龟);英英释义 hawksbill[ 'h:ksbil ]n.pugnacious tropical sea turtle with a hawk-like beak; s...
详细解释komodo释义[电影]科莫多;英英释义 Komodo"Komodo (Save a Soul)"is the title of a song by Italian trance producer Mauro Pic...
详细解释bee-eatern.食蜂鸟;蜂虎;英英释义 bee-eatern.colorful chiefly tropical Old World bird having a strong graceful flight; f...
详细解释aerobaticsn.特技飞行,特技飞行术;英英释义 aerobatics[ ,ru'btiks ]n.the performance of stunts while in flight in an airc...
详细解释yackn.废话,哄堂大笑;英英释义 yack[ jk ]n.noisy talk同义词:yakyakety-yakchattercacklev.talk incessantly and tiresomely...
详细解释oryxn.羚羊; 变形 复数:oryx 英英释义 oryx[ 'riks, ':- ]n.large African antelope with long straight nearly upright horns...
详细解释tantalisingadj.非常着急的;英英释义 tantalising[ 'tntlaizi ]adj.arousing desire or expectation for something unattainabl...
详细解释kalaharin.喀拉哈里沙漠(南部非洲沙漠高原);英英释义 kalahari[ ,ka:la:'ha:ri ]n.a desert in southwestern Africa - largel...
详细解释barbeln.鲃(鲃属淡水鱼);鱼的触须;鱼须;英英释义 barbel[ 'b:bl ]n.slender tactile process on the jaws of a fish同义词:...
详细解释grazern.吃草的动物;食植动物;食草者;食植者英英释义 GrazerGrazer is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:...
详细解释butcherbirdn.伯劳鸟;英英释义 butcherbird[ 'butb:d ]n.shrikes that impale their prey on thornslarge carnivorous Australi...
详细解释commabbr.communication 通信;commerce 商业;commodity 商品;commercial 商业的英英释义 CommThe comm command in the Unix f...
详细解释jodhpurn.骑马裤;英英释义 jodhpur[ 'ddp ]n.a short riding boot that fastens with a buckle at the side同义词:jodhpur boo...
详细解释saigan.赛加羚羊,高鼻羚羊; 变形 复数:saigas 英英释义 saiga[ 'sai ]n.goat-like antelope of central Eurasia having a stu...
详细解释goshawkn.苍鹰;英英释义 goshawk[ 'sh:k ]n.large hawk of Eurasia and North America used in falconry同义词:Accipiter gent...
详细解释welsn.六须鲇(产于中欧和东欧的淡水鱼,重者可达180克);英英释义 WelsWels is the second largest city of the state of Uppe...
详细解释whodunnitn.凶杀悬疑小说(或电影、戏剧); 变形 复数:whodunnits 英英释义 WhodunnitWhodunnit? is a play written by Anthon...