共 116 个单词
外教版研究生英语综合教程上相关的的单词有【adept】【Steven Spielberg】【tuck into】【chili pepper】【Gallic】【Bastille Day】【cut-rate】【rearguard】【whittle away】【descend upon】【mull over】【red tape】【resistible】【partake of】【affectionately】【meringue】【unhinge】【yogi】【keep clear of】【cost effective】【stopgap】【bereavement】【strike a chord】【tax break】【apportion】【cataclysmic】【platonic】【emblematic】【quibble】【promulgate】【pro bono】【kowtow】【magisterial】【kiwi】【bite the dust】【pep talk】【understaffed】【bistro】【litany】【taxation】等。
adeptadj.精于…的,擅长于…的;巧妙的;n.专家,能手; 变形 复数:adepts 英英释义 adept[ 'dept, 'dept ]n.someone who is d...
详细解释Steven Spielberg释义斯蒂芬斯皮尔伯格(美国导演);[人名]史蒂文斯皮尔伯格;英英释义 Steven Spielberg n.United States film...
详细解释chili pepper释义红辣椒;英英释义 chili pepper n.plant bearing very hot and finely tapering long peppers; usually red同义...
详细解释Gallicadj.高卢的,高卢人的;法国人的;五倍子的;[化]正镓的英英释义 Gallic[ 'lik ]adj.of or pertaining to Gaul or the Gau...
详细解释Bastille Day释义巴士底日(7月14日,法国国庆日);英英释义 Bastille Day n.a legal holiday in France celebrating the stormin...
详细解释cut-rateadj.打折扣的,粗劣的,二流货的;英英释义 cut-rate[ 'kt,reit ]n.a price below the standard price同义词:bargain r...
详细解释rearguardn.后卫;英英释义 rearguard[ 'ri,:d ]n.a detachment assigned to protect the rear of a (retreating) military body
详细解释whittle away释义削减,减少,降低(…的大小、重要性或价值);英英释义 whittle away v.cut away in small pieces同义词:whit...
详细解释mull overn.岬,海角;认真琢磨,反复思考;英英释义 mull over v.reflect deeply on a subject同义词:chew overthink overmedi...
详细解释red tapen.官样文章;释义官僚习气;英英释义 red tape n.needlessly time-consuming procedure同义词:bureaucratic procedure
详细解释resistibleadj.可抵抗的;英英释义 resistible[ ri'zistbl ]adj.capable of being resisted or withstood or frustrated"a resis...
详细解释affectionatelyadv.挚爱地,亲切地;脉;脉脉;眽眽英英释义 affectionately[ 'fekntli ]adv.with affection"he treats her affe...
详细解释cost effective释义[计] 成本的有效的,效能价格合算的,价格可取的;[经] 本轻利厚,成本效果;英英释义 cost effective adj.pr...
详细解释stopgapn.临时替代者,临时应急措施; 变形 复数:stopgaps 英英释义 stopgap[ 'stpp ]n.something contrived to meet an urgent...
详细解释bereavementn.亲人丧亡,丧失亲人,丧亲之痛; 变形 复数:bereavements 英英释义 bereavement[ bi'ri:vmnt ]n.state of sorrow ...
详细解释strike a chord英英释义 strike a chord v.create an emotional responserefer to or be relevant or familiar to同义词:hit ho...
详细解释tax breakna.减税优惠; 变形 复数:tax breaks 英英释义 tax break n.a tax deduction that is granted in order to encourage ...
详细解释apportionvt.分摊,分配; 变形 过去式:apportioned过去分词:apportioned现在分词:apportioning第三人称单数:apportions 英英...
详细解释cataclysmicadj.洪水的,大变动的;英英释义 cataclysmic[ ,kt'klizmik ]adj.severely destructive"cataclysmic nuclear war"; "...
详细解释emblematicadj.象征的,可当标志的;象征性;英英释义 emblematic[ ,embli'mtik,-kl ]adj.serving as a visible symbol for some...
详细解释pro bonoadj.无偿(专业性)服务的;英英释义 pro bono [ 'pru'bunu ]adj.done for the public good without compensation
详细解释magisterialadj.有权威的;威严的;地方法官的;硕士的adv.威严地;英英释义 magisterial[ ,mdis'tiril ]adj.of or relating to ...
详细解释bite the dust释义倒地而死;被打败,被拒绝;战死沙场;英英释义 Bite the DustBite the Dust () is a 2013 film directed by T...
详细解释pep talkn.鼓舞士气的讲话; 变形 复数:pep talks 英英释义 pep talk n.a speech of exhortation attempting to instill enthus...
详细解释understaffedadj.人员不足的,人手不够的;英英释义 understaffed[ ,nd'st:ft, -'stft ]adj.inadequate in number of workers or...
详细解释bistron.小酒馆,酒吧,小餐馆; 变形 复数:bistros 英英释义 bistro[ 'bi:stru ]n.a small informal restaurant; serves wine