共 188 个单词
cephalalgian.头痛;英英释义 cephalalgia[ ,sef'lldi ]n.pain in the head caused by dilation of cerebral arteries or muscle...
详细解释pathognomonicadj.特殊(病征)的,特定的,(病征)能确定诊断的;英英释义 PathognomonicPathognomonic (often misspelled as ...
详细解释chemoreceptorn.化学感应器;英英释义 chemoreceptor[ ,kemuri'sept ]n.a sensory receptor that responds to chemical stimuli
详细解释abortusn.流产儿;英英释义 abortus[ 'b:ts ]n.a human fetus whose weight is less than 0.5 kilogram when removed or expelle...
详细解释adventitian.外膜,动脉外膜; 变形 复数:adventitias 英英释义 adventitia[ ,dven'tii ]n.an enveloping or covering membrane...
详细解释coccoidadj.球菌样的,球菌状的;小球状;英英释义 coccoid[ 'kkid ]adj.spherical; like a coccus"a coccoid microorganism"
详细解释spasmolysisn.解痉(作用);英英释义 spasmolysis[ spz'mlisis ]n.the relaxation or relief of muscle spasms
详细解释spasmolyticadj.解痉的;英英释义 spasmolytic[ ,spzm'litik ]n.a drug used to relieve or prevent spasms (especially of the ...
详细解释falciformadj.镰刀状的;英英释义 falciform[ 'flsif:m ]adj.curved like a sickle同义词:falcatesickle-shaped
详细解释depolarizevt.去极化,去偏极,去偏光;英英释义 depolarize[ ,di:'pulraiz ]v.eliminate the polarization of同义词:depolaris...
详细解释dermatomen.皮片,皮刀;取皮机;[医]皮节;皮区英英释义 dermatome[ 'd:mtum ]n.a surgical instrument used to cut very thin ...
详细解释lactealadj.乳状的;英英释义 lacteal[ 'lktil ]n.any of the lymphatic vessels that convey chyle from the small intestine t...
详细解释lactasen.乳糖分解酵素;英英释义 lactase[ 'lkteis ]n.any of a group of enzymes (trade name Lactaid) that hydrolyze lactos...
详细解释eccrineadj.分泌腺的,外分泌腺的;英英释义 eccrine[ 'ekrain, -rin ]adj.(of exocrine glands) producing a clear aqueous sec...
详细解释microanalysisn.微量分析; 变形 复数:microanalyses 英英释义 MicroanalysisMicroanalysis is the chemical identification an...
详细解释anilinen.苯胺;英英释义 aniline[ 'nili:n, -lin,-lin ]n.oily poisonous liquid amine obtained from nitrobenzene and used t...
详细解释gastroduodenaladj.胃与十二指肠的;胃十二指肠;英英释义 gastroduodenal[ 'stru,dju:u'di:nl ]adj.of or relating to the stom...
详细解释oligonucleotiden.低(聚)核苷酸,寡核苷酸;英英释义 OligonucleotideOligonucleotides are short, single-stranded DNA or RN...
详细解释endoplasmn.内质;内胞浆;英英释义 endoplasm[ 'enduplzm ]n.the inner portion of the cytoplasm of a cell
详细解释nasopharyngealadj.鼻咽的;英英释义 nasopharyngeal[ ,neizuf'rindil ]adj.of or relating to or located near the nasopharynx
详细解释entericadj.肠的;英英释义 enteric[ en'terik ]adj.of or relating to the enteron同义词:enteralof or relating to or inside...
详细解释epitopen.表位,抗原决定部位,抗原决定基;英英释义 epitope[ 'epitup ]n.the site on the surface of an antigen molecule to ...
详细解释homograftn.自体移植物,同种移植物;英英释义 homograft[ 'hmr:ft, -rft ]n.tissue or organ transplanted from a donor of the...
详细解释hyperaemian.充血;英英释义 hyperaemia[ ,haip'ri:mi ]n.increased blood in an organ or other body part同义词:hyperemia
详细解释venographyn.静脉造影术,静脉搏描记法;英英释义 venography[ vi'nrfi ]n.roentgenographic examination of veins