共 188 个单词
tunican.膜,被膜,膜被囊;原套;英英释义 tunica[ 'tju:nik ]n.an enveloping or covering membrane or layer of body tissue同...
详细解释chloramphenicoln.氯霉素;英英释义 chloramphenicol[ ,kl:rm'fenikl ]n.an oral antibiotic (trade name Chloromycetin) used t...
详细解释hypocalcemian.血钙过少,低血钙症;英英释义 hypocalcemia[ ,haipukl'si:mi ]n.abnormally low level of calcium in the blood;...
详细解释leptospirosisn.细螺旋体病;英英释义 leptospirosis[ ,leptuspai'rusis ]n.an infectious disease cause by leptospira and tra...
详细解释adenovirusn.腺病毒;英英释义 adenovirus[ ,dnu'vairus ]n.any of a group of viruses including those that in humans cause u...
详细解释epigastriumn.腹上部,第一腹片; 变形 复数:epigastria 英英释义 epigastrium[ ,epi'strim ]n.the region lying on or over th...
详细解释vermiformadj.蠕虫状的,蚓状的;英英释义 vermiform[ 'v:mif:m ]adj.resembling a worm; long and thin and cylindrical同义词:...
详细解释pinocytosisn.胞饮(作用),饮液(作用),吞饮(作用);英英释义 pinocytosis[ ,pinusai'tusis ]n.process by which certain ...
详细解释serosan.浆膜,绒(毛)膜; 变形 复数:serosasserosae 英英释义 serosa[ si'rus, -z ]n.a thin membrane lining the closed ca...
详细解释thyrotropinn.促甲状腺素,甲状腺刺激激素;英英释义 thyrotropin[ ,airu'trupin, ai'rtrpin ]n.anterior pituitary hormone tha...
详细解释catheterizationn.插管术,导尿术;英英释义 catheterization[ ,kitrai'zein, -ri'z- ]n.the operation of introducing a cathet...
详细解释vasodilationn.血管舒张;英英释义 vasodilation[ ,veizudai'lein ]n.dilation of blood vessels (especially the arteries)
详细解释thyroxinn.甲状腺素,甲状腺氨酸;英英释义 thyroxin[ ai'rksin ]n.hormone produced by the thyroid glands to regulate metabo...
详细解释arteriographyn.动脉 X 线摄影法;英英释义 arteriography[ :,tiri'rfi ]n.roentgenographic examination of arteries
详细解释endodermn.内胚叶,内皮层;英英释义 endoderm[ 'endud:m ]n.the inner germ layer that develops into the lining of the diges...
详细解释thyroglobulinn.甲状腺球蛋白;英英释义 thyroglobulin[ ,airu'lbjuli ]n.an iodine containing protein that is obtained from ...
详细解释Polycythemian.红血球增多(症);英英释义 Polycythemia[ ,plisai'i:mi ]n.a disorder characterized by an abnormal increase ...
详细解释chromogenn.色原体,媒染染料的一种;英英释义 chromogen[ 'krumdn ]n.a compound that can be converted to a pigment
详细解释subclinicaladj.临床症状不显的,亚临床的;英英释义 subclinical[ ,sb'klinikl ]adj.relating to the stage in the development...
详细解释corniculateadj.外表似小角的,有角的;英英释义 CorniculateLarynx with corniculate cartilages indicated at center.以上来源...
详细解释proteolyticadj.(分)解蛋白的,蛋白水解的;英英释义 proteolytic[ ,prutiu'litik ]adj.of or relating to proteolysis
详细解释turgorn.细胞(组织)的膨胀;肿胀;浮夸;夸张英英释义 turgor[ 't:, -: ]n.(biology) the normal rigid state of fullness of ...
详细解释perfusev.灌注; 变形 过去式:perfused过去分词:perfused现在分词:perfusing第三人称单数:perfuses? 英英释义 perfuse[ p'fj...
详细解释mononuclearadj.单核的; 单核的,单环的;n.单核细胞;英英释义 mononuclear[ ,mnu'nju:kli ]adj.having only one nucleus同义词...