共 28 个单词
头相关的的单词有【wrinkles】【whiskers】【freckles】【upturned nose】【almond eye】【Adam's apple】【crow's-feet】【straight hair】【blue eye】【aquiline nose】【double eye】【dark eye】【snub nose】【canine tooth】【molars】【sidebums】【denlture】【bald head】【roman nose】【premolars】【wavy hair】【bulbous nose】【incisors】【brow eye】【uvual】【hazel eye】【Grecian nose】【kinky hair】等。
whiskersn.腮须,胡须;(某些动物的)须( whisker的名词复数 );连鬓胡子;一丝几乎要做;英英释义 whiskers[ 'hwiskz ]n.the h...
详细解释frecklesn.雀斑,斑点( freckle的名词复数 );英英释义 freckle[ freklz ]n.a small brownish spot (of the pigment melanin) on...
详细解释Adam's applen.喉结; 变形 复数:Adam's apples 英英释义 Adam's apple n.tropical shrub having glossy foliage and fragrant ...
详细解释crow's-feetn.鱼尾纹;英英释义 crow's-feet[ 'kruz,fi:t ]n.a wrinkle in the skin at the outer corner of your eyes同义词:c...
详细解释aquiline nose释义鹰钩鼻;英英释义 Aquiline noseAn Aquiline nose (also called Roman nose or Hooked nose) is a human nose ...
详细解释canine toothn.犬齿;英英释义 canine tooth n.one of the four pointed conical teeth (two in each jaw) located between the ...
详细解释molarsn.臼齿,磨牙( molar的名词复数 );英英释义 molarn.grinding tooth with a broad crown; located behind the premolars同...
详细解释roman nose释义鹰钩鼻;英英释义 roman nose n.a nose with a prominent slightly aquiline bridge同义词:hooknose
详细解释premolars释义前磨牙;英英释义 premolarn.a tooth having two cusps or points; located between the incisors and the molars同...
详细解释incisorsn.切牙,门齿( incisor的名词复数 );英英释义 incisorn.a tooth for cutting or gnawing; located in the front of the...