共 321 个单词
self-criticismn.自我批评;检查;检讨;自我检讨英英释义 self-criticism[ 'self'kritisizm ]n.criticism of yourself
详细解释paraphn.签名后的花笔;花饰;英英释义 paraph[ 'prf ]n.a flourish added after or under your signature (originally to prote...
详细解释Shylockn.狠毒的放高利贷者;英英释义 Shylock[ 'ailk ]n.someone who lends money at excessive rates of interest同义词:usur...
详细解释changefuladj.易变的,不稳定的,富于变化的;多变;变化万端;变幻无常英英释义 changeful[ 'teindful ]adj.such that alterati...
详细解释changelessadj.不变的,稳定的;至死不变;一成不变;英英释义 changeless[ 'teindlis ]adj.not subject or susceptible to chan...
详细解释Christchurchn.克莱斯特彻奇(或译基督堂市)(新西兰城市);英英释义 Christchurch[ 'kraistt:t ]n.industrial city at the ce...
详细解释bantingn.减肥疗法;忌食减瘦疗法;英英释义 banting[ 'bnti ]n.Canadian physiologist who discovered insulin with C. H. Best...
详细解释tagoren.泰戈尔(印度诗人,曾获1913年诺贝尔文学奖,1861-1941);英英释义 tagore[ t'g: ]n.Indian writer and philosopher wh...
详细解释MacArthurn.麦克阿瑟(美国五星上将);英英释义 MacArthur[ mk'a:; m'ka: ]n.United States general who served as chief of st...
详细解释cinquainn.五个的一组,五行诗;英英释义 CinquainCinquain is a class of poetic forms that employ a 5-line pattern. Earlier...
详细解释Tehran释义德黑兰;英英释义 Tehran[ t'rn; -r:n ]n.the capital and largest city of Iran; located in northern Iran同义词:T...
详细解释teherann.德黑兰(伊朗首都)德黑兰;英英释义 teheran[ ,teh'rn, -ra:n ]n.the capital and largest city of Iran; located in ...
详细解释cocainn.古柯碱,可卡因;英英释义 cocain[ ku'kein ]n.a narcotic (alkaloid) extracted from coca leaves; used as a surface ...
详细解释aleutianadj.阿留申群岛的;释义使乘几次方;英英释义 aleutian[ 'lu:jn ]n.a member of the people inhabiting the Aleutian Is...
详细解释tennesseann.田纳西州人或居民;adj.美国田纳西州的;英英释义 tennessean[ ,ten'sin ]n.a native or resident of Tennessee同义...
详细解释texianadj.德克萨斯(人)的;英英释义 TexianTexian is an archaic demonym which defined a resident of Mexican Texas and th...
详细解释H.E.abbr.high efficiency 高效率;His Eminence 阁下(天主教中对红衣主教的尊称);英英释义 H.E.n.a very light colorless el...
详细解释h-bombn.氢弹;英英释义 h-bomb[ 'eit,bm ]n.a nuclear weapon that releases atomic energy by union of light (hydrogen) nucl...
详细解释marchionessn.侯爵夫人,女侯爵; 变形 复数:marchionesses 英英释义 marchioness[ 'm:nis ]n.the wife or widow of a marquisa...
详细解释marquessn.侯爵,侯爵长子的尊称; 变形 复数:marquesses 英英释义 marquess[ 'm:kwis ]n.nobleman (in various countries) ran...
详细解释marquisen.侯爵夫人,女侯爵; 变形 复数:marquises 英英释义 marquise[ m:'ki:z ]n.a noblewoman ranking below a duchess and...
详细解释coloabbr.Coloradan 美国科罗拉多州;Colorado 美国科罗拉多州;Assoc Colorado Associated University Press 科罗拉多州联合大学...