共 406 个单词
寄生前夜第三次生日相关的的单词有【pack a punch】【peeping Tom】【peekaboo】【cityscape】【solitary confinement】【phyletic】【close quarters】【compositor】【eider】【bidding war】【top brass】【mincemeat】【invulnerability】【monophyletic】【mudflap】【psychokinesis】【crustal】【nip in the bud】【gun down】【run-of-the-mill】【RV】【gunsmith】【cordon off】【Humvee】【plea bargain】【Mayday】【baddy】【spitter】【reenact】【whittle down】【no holds barred】【split second】【half-life】【last-ditch】【moult】【crocodilian】【Reuters】【heliport】【unadulterated】【nagasaki】等。
peeping Tomn.好偷看的人;英英释义 peeping Tom n.a viewer who enjoys seeing the sex acts or sex organs of others同义词:v...
详细解释peekaboon.躲躲猫(一种把脸一隐一现以逗小孩的游戏);英英释义 peekaboo[ 'pi:kbu ]n.a game played with young children; you...
详细解释cityscapen.城市风光照片(或绘画);英英释义 cityscape[ 'sitiskeip ]n.a viewpoint toward a city or other heavily populate...
详细解释solitary confinementn.单独监禁;英英释义 solitary confinement n.confinement of a prisoner in isolation from other prison...
详细解释phyleticadj.种族的,种类的;英英释义 phyletic[ fai'letik ]adj.of or relating to the evolutionary development of organism...
详细解释close quartersn.近距离;英英释义 close quarters n.a situation of being uncomfortably close to someone or something
详细解释compositorn.排字工人,排序; 变形 复数:compositors 英英释义 compositor[ km'pzit ]n.one who sets written material into t...
详细解释eidern.绒鸭,绒鸭的绒毛;英英释义 eider[ 'aid ]n.duck of the northern hemisphere much valued for the fine soft down of t...
详细解释bidding war英英释义 Bidding warBidding War is a card game typically involving two players. A radical variation of the cl...
详细解释mincemeatn.苹果等切碎混拌碎肉的东西,甜馅;英英释义 mincemeat[ 'minsmi:t ]n.spiced mixture of chopped raisins and apples...
详细解释invulnerabilityn.不会受伤害,刀枪不入;英英释义 invulnerability[ in,vlnr'bilti ]n.having the strength to withstand attac...
详细解释mudflapn.挡泥垂布;英英释义 MudflapA mudflap is an accessory on wheel wells of a motor vehicle.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释psychokinesisn.意志力;英英释义 psychokinesis[ ,psaikuki'ni:sis, -kai- ]n.the power to move something by thinking about ...
详细解释crustaladj.地壳的,(尤指)地球或月球外壳的;英英释义 crustal[ 'krstl ]adj.of or relating to or characteristic of the cr...
详细解释run-of-the-milladj.非选拔的;英英释义 run-of-the-mill[ 'rnv'mil ]adj.not special in any way"run-of-the-mill boxing"同义词...
详细解释RVabbr.residual volume 残气量;right ventricle 右心室;retroversion 回退;random variable 随机变数英英释义 RV[ ,a: 'vi: ...
详细解释gunsmithn.军械工人; 变形 复数:gunsmiths 英英释义 gunsmith[ 'nsmi ]n.someone who makes or repairs guns
详细解释cordon off释义用警戒线隔离[阻挡];英英释义 cordon off v.divide by means of a rope同义词:rope inrope off
详细解释plea bargainn.坦白从宽;辩诉交易; 变形 复数:plea bargains过去式:plea bargained现在分词:plea bargaining第三人称单数:...
详细解释Maydayn.(船只或飞机发出的)无线电求救呼号;无线电话中求救信号;英英释义 Mayday[ 'meidei ]n.an internationally recognize...
详细解释spittern.吐唾沫的人,以肉叉烤肉的人;幼鹿;英英释义 spitter[ 'spit ]n.a person who spits (ejects saliva or phlegm from t...
详细解释reenactv.再制定,再扮演; 变形 过去式:reenacted过去分词:reenacted现在分词:reenacting第三人称单数:reenacts 英英释义 r...
详细解释whittle downv.削减;逐渐减少,逐渐缩减(…的大小或数目);英英释义 whittle down v.cut away in small pieces同义词:whittl...
详细解释no holds barred释义No holds barred 这个说法是来自摔交运动。但是;在人们争论的时候; no holds barred 是指不顾对方的面子和...
详细解释split secondn.瞬间;刹那;英英释义 split second n.a very short time (as the time it takes the eye blink or the heart to ...
详细解释half-lifen.半衰期; 变形 复数:half-lives 英英释义 half-life[ 'h:flaif ]n.the time required for something to fall to hal...
详细解释last-ditchadj.坚持到最后的;拼死抵抗的;无后退余地的;最后防线的英英释义 last-ditch[ 'l:stdit, 'lst- ]adj.of something d...
详细解释crocodiliann.鳄鱼;英英释义 crocodilian[ ,krk'dilin ]n.extant archosaurian reptile同义词:crocodilian reptile
详细解释unadulteratedadj.没有搀杂的;纯粹的;英英释义 unadulterated[ ,n'dltreitid ]adj.not mixed with impurities"unadulterated m...