共 64 个单词
geopotentialn.重力势;位势;英英释义 GeopotentialGeopotential is the potential of the Earth's gravity field. For conveni...
详细解释prometheusn.普罗米修斯(造福于人类的神);英英释义 prometheus[ pru'mi:ju:s; -is ]n.(Greek mythology) the Titan who stole...
详细解释theogonyn.神谱,神统系,记述神的史诗; 变形 复数:theogonies 英英释义 theogony[ i'ni ]n.the study of the origins and gen...
详细解释mnemosynen.摩涅莫辛涅(记忆女神);英英释义 mnemosyne[ ni:'mzini ]n.(Greek mythology) the Titaness who was goddess of me...
详细解释Morpheusn.摩尔莆神(睡梦之神),催眠物;英英释义 Morpheus[ 'm:fis; -fju:s ]n.the Roman god of sleep and dreams
详细解释cosmogonyn.宇宙的产生,宇宙进化论; 变形 复数:cosmogonies 英英释义 cosmogony[ kz'mni ]n.the branch of astrophysics that...
详细解释aphrodisiacaladj.引起性欲的;n.壮阳剂,春药;英英释义 aphrodisiacal[ ,frudi'zaikl ]adj.exciting sexual desire同义词:aph...
详细解释tartarus释义酒石;英英释义 tartarus[ 't:trs ]n.a place where the wicked are punished after death同义词:Gehenna
详细解释cyclographn.圆弧规;涡流式感应图示仪;英英释义 CyclographA cyclograph (also known as an arcograph) is an instrument for ...
详细解释oceanusn.海洋之神;英英释义 oceanus[ u'sins ]n.(Greek mythology) god of the stream that flowed around the earth in ancie...
详细解释erisabbr.earth reflecting ionospheric sounder 地球反射电离层探测器;electrostatic reflection ion source 静电反射离子源;...
详细解释eosabbr.end of segment (程序)段结束,学期末;end operation suppress 军事镇压结束;英英释义 eos[ 'i:s ]n.(Greek mytholo...
详细解释cycloidn.摆线,轮转线;adj.圆形的,循环性格的;英英释义 cycloid[ 'saiklid ]n.a line generated by a point on a circle rol...
详细解释hypnosn.许普诺斯(睡眠之神,与罗马神话中的Somnus为同一神);英英释义 hypnos[ 'hipns ]n.(Greek mythology) the Greek god o...
详细解释themisn.西弥斯(司法律与正义的女神);英英释义 themis[ 'i:mis ]n.(Greek mythology) the Titaness who was goddess of justi...
详细解释hyperionn.亥伯龙神;英英释义 hyperion[ hai'pirin ]n.(Greek mythology) a Titan who was the son of Gaea and Uranus and the...
详细解释geospheren.岩石圈;陆界;地层;英英释义 geosphere[ 'di:usfi ]n.the solid part of the earth consisting of the crust and o...
详细解释cyclopedian.百科全书;英英释义 cyclopedia[ ,saiklu'pi:di ]n.a reference work (often in several volumes) containing artic...
详细解释Gaean.盖亚(大地女神);英英释义 Gaea[ 'di: ]n.(Greek mythology) goddess of the earth and mother of Cronus and the Titan...
详细解释hygeian.司健康的女神;英英释义 hygeia[ hai'di: ]n.(Greek mythology) the goddess of health; daughter of Aesculapius and s...
详细解释cyclopean释义蛮石;英英释义 cyclopean[ sai'klupjn ]adj.of or relating to or resembling the Cyclops
详细解释juraladj.法律上的,有关权利义务的;英英释义 jural[ 'durl ]adj.of or relating to law or to legal rights and obligations同...
详细解释eristicadj.争论的,好争论的;n.争论术,论客,争论家;英英释义 eristic[ e'ristik ]n.a person who disputes; who is good at...
详细解释hyperbatonn.倒装法;英英释义 hyperbaton[ hai'p:btn ]n.reversal of normal word order (as in `cheese I love')