共 157 个单词
常见疾病名称相关的的单词有【cataracts】【altitude sickness】【Alzheimer’s】【bipolar disorder】【androgenic】【anxiety disorder】【bulimia nervosa】【bruxism】【Asperger syndrome】【ADHD】【anorexia nervosa】【deep vein thrombosis】【onchocerciasis】【Parkinson】【hematocele】【trichomoniasis】【heat stroke】【ichthyosis】【drug abuse】【schizoaffective disorder】【Somatization disorder】【low blood pressure】【human immunodeficiency virus】【premature ejaculation】【pemphigoid】【sickle-cell】【Chronic kidney disease】【trisomy】【otitis externa】【Ebola】【epididymitis】【miliaria】【nearsightedness】【pubic lice】【paratyphoid fever】【tooth decay】【Panic disorder】【trigeminal neuralgia】【mesothelioma】【nail biting】等。
cataractsn.大瀑布( cataract的名词复数 );白内障;英英释义 cataractn.clouding of the natural lens of the eyea large water...
详细解释altitude sicknessn.(因高处氧气稀薄而导致的)高空病;英英释义 altitude sickness n.effects (as nosebleed or nausea) of ox...
详细解释Alzheimer’s网络阿尔茨海默病 英英释义 Alzheimer s [ 'lz,eims ]n.a progressive form of presenile dementia that is similar...
详细解释bipolar disordern.双相障碍;双相型障碍; 变形 复数:bipolar disorders 英英释义 bipolar disorder n.a mental disorder char...
详细解释androgenic释义[医] 生男性征的,产生雄性征的;英英释义 androgenic[ ,ndr'denik, ,ndr'dnik ]adj.of or related to the male h...
详细解释anxiety disorder释义焦虑性障碍;英英释义 anxiety disorder n.a cover term for a variety of mental disorders in which seve...
详细解释bruxismn.夜磨牙症,夜间磨牙;英英释义 bruxism[ 'brksizm ]n.involuntarily or unconsciously clenching or grinding the teet...
详细解释ADHDn.[儿童]注意缺陷多动障碍,小儿多动症;英英释义 ADHD[ ,ei di: ,eit 'di: ]n.a condition (mostly in boys) characterized...
详细解释anorexia nervosan.神经性厌食;英英释义 anorexia nervosa [ n:'vus ]n.(psychiatry) a psychological disorder characterized ...
详细解释onchocerciasisn.盘尾丝虫病;英英释义 onchocerciasis[ ,kus:'kaisis, -'sai- ]n.infestation with slender threadlike roundwo...
详细解释Parkinson释义帕金森(James,1755-1824,英国医生);英英释义 Parkinson[ 'pa:kinsn ]n.English surgeon (1755-1824)同义词:Jame...
详细解释hematocelen.囊内积血,阴囊血肿;英英释义 hematocelen.swelling caused by blood collecting in a body cavity (especially a ...
详细解释trichomoniasisn.(毛)滴虫病,牛毛滴虫病;英英释义 trichomoniasis[ ,trikum'naisis, tri,k- ]n.infection of the vagina
详细解释heat stroken.中暑;英英释义 heat stroke n.collapse caused by exposure to excessive heat同义词:heatstrokeheat hyperpyrex...
详细解释ichthyosisn.鱼鳞癣;英英释义 ichthyosis[ ,iki'usis ]n.any of several congenital diseases in which the skin is fishlike (...
详细解释drug abuse释义药物滥用,滥用药物;英英释义 drug abuse n.excessive use of drugs同义词:substance abusehabit
详细解释human immunodeficiency virus释义人类免疫缺陷病毒,艾滋病病毒;英英释义 human immunodeficiency virus n.the virus that cau...
详细解释premature ejaculation释义早泄;英英释义 premature ejaculation n.ejaculation during the early stages of sexual excitement...
详细解释sickle-celladj.镰状细胞;英英释义 sickle-cell[ 'siklsel ]n.an abnormal red blood cell that has a crescent shape and an a...
详细解释trisomyn.三(染色)体性,三(染色)体细胞;英英释义 trisomy[ 'traisumi ]n.chrosomal abnormality in which there is one mo...
详细解释otitis externa释义外耳道炎,外耳道炎症,外耳炎;英英释义 otitis externa n.inflammation of the external ear (including au...
详细解释Ebolan.埃博拉(病毒);[地名] [刚果民主共和国] 埃博拉河;英英释义 Ebola[ i'bul ]n.a severe and often fatal disease in hu...
详细解释epididymitisn.附睾炎;英英释义 epididymitis[ 'epi,didi'maitis ]n.painful inflammation of the epididymis
详细解释miliarian.栗疹,痱子;粟疹;汗疹;英英释义 miliaria[ ,mili'ri ]n.obstruction of the sweat ducts during high heat and hum...
详细解释nearsightednessn.近视;目光短浅;短视;英英释义 nearsightedness[ ni'saitidnis ]n.(ophthalmology) eyesight abnormality re...
详细解释paratyphoid fevern.副伤寒,副肠热病;英英释义 paratyphoid fever n.any of a variety of infectious intestinal diseases res...
详细解释tooth decay释义蛀牙;英英释义 tooth decay n.soft decayed area in a tooth; progressive decay can lead to the death of a t...
详细解释Panic disorder释义[医]惊恐性障碍,急性焦虑症;英英释义 Panic disorder n.an anxiety disorder characterized by unpredictab...
详细解释trigeminal neuralgia释义三叉神经痛;英英释义 trigeminal neuralgia n.intense paroxysmal neuralgia along the trigeminal ne...
详细解释mesothelioman.间皮瘤;英英释义 mesothelioma[ 'mesu,i:li'um, 'mez- ]n.a rare form of carcinoma of the mesothelium lining ...
详细解释nail biting释义[医] 咬[指]甲癖;英英释义 nail biting adj.(of a situation) characterized by or causing suspense同义词:cl...