共 157 个单词
常见疾病名称相关的的单词有【swine flu】【hypoglycaemia】【repetitive strain injury】【CFS】【Hepatitis C】【Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease】【SIDS】【overnutrition】【shigellosis】【gum disease】【dengue fever】【dermatophytosis】【Hepatitis B】【stye】【varicose veins】【Mental retardation】【head lice】【haemophilia】【herpes zoster】【lead poisoning】【gonorrhoea】【genital warts】【Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy】【sleep disorder】【kuru】【phenylketonuria】【typhoid fever】【hpv】【kidney stone】【paronychia】【leptospirosis】【phimosis】【sleep apnoea】【chronic fatigue syndrome】【nappy rash】【rosacea】【chagas disease】【hepatitis A】【porphyria】【common cold】等。
swine flun.猪流感;英英释义 swine flu n.an acute and highly contagious respiratory disease of swine caused by the orthom...
详细解释hypoglycaemian.低血糖,血糖过少;英英释义 hypoglycaemia[ ,haipulai'si:mi ]n.abnormally low blood sugar usually resulting...
详细解释CFSabbr.cubic feet per second 立方英尺/秒;英英释义 CFSCompact File Set (CFS) is an open archive file format and softwar...
详细解释Hepatitis C释义[医]丙型肝炎;英英释义 Hepatitis C n.a viral hepatitis clinically indistinguishable from hepatitis B but ...
详细解释Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease释义克罗伊茨费尔特-雅各布病;英英释义 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease n.rare (usually fatal) brain di...
详细解释SIDSabbr.sudden infant death syndrome 婴儿猝死综合征;英英释义 SIDS[ sidz ]n.sudden and unexpected death of an apparentl...
详细解释overnutritionn.营养过度,进食量过多;英英释义 OvernutritionOvernutrition is a form of malnutrition in which nutrients ar...
详细解释shigellosisn.志贺氏菌病,志贺氏细菌性痢疾;英英释义 shigellosis[ ,ig'lusis ]n.an acute infection of the intestine by shi...
详细解释dengue fevern.登革热;英英释义 dengue fever n.an infectious disease of the tropics transmitted by mosquitoes and charact...
详细解释dermatophytosisn.脚气,脚癣,皮肤癣菌病;肤癣病;英英释义 dermatophytosis[ 'd:mt,tufai'tusis ]n.fungal infection of the ...
详细解释Hepatitis B释义乙型肝炎;英英释义 Hepatitis B n.an acute (sometimes fatal) form of viral hepatitis caused by a DNA virus...
详细解释styen.麦粒肿,睑腺炎; 变形 复数:styes 英英释义 stye[ stai ]n.an infection of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid同义词:...
详细解释Mental retardationn.智力迟钝,智力缺陷;英英释义 Mental retardation n.lack of normal development of intellectual capacit...
详细解释head licen.头虱;英英释义 head lice n.infestation of the scalp with lice同义词:pediculosis capitis
详细解释haemophilian.血友病,出血不止病;英英释义 haemophilia[ ,hi:mu'fili, ,hem- ]n.congenital tendency to uncontrolled bleedin...
详细解释herpes zoster释义带状疱疹;火带疮;英英释义 herpes zoster n.eruptions along a nerve path often accompanied by severe neu...
详细解释lead poisoningn.铅中毒;英英释义 lead poisoning [ led ]n.toxic condition produced by the absorption of excessive lead in...
详细解释gonorrhoean.淋病;英英释义 gonorrhoea[ ,n'ri ]n.a common venereal disease caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae;...
详细解释Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy释义狂牛病;英英释义 Bovine spongiform encephalopathyBovine spongiform encephalopathy (B...
详细解释sleep disorder释义睡眠障碍,失眠;英英释义 sleep disorder n.a disturbance of the normal sleep pattern
详细解释kurun.苦鲁病,新几内亚震颤病;英英释义 kuru[ 'ku:ru: ]n.a progressive disease of the central nervous system marked by in...
详细解释phenylketonurian.苯丙酮尿,苯丙酮酸尿症(一种先天性代谢异常);英英释义 phenylketonuria[ 'fenil,ki:t'njuri:, 'fi:- ]n.a ...
详细解释typhoid fevern.伤寒症;英英释义 typhoid fever n.serious infection marked by intestinal inflammation and ulceration; caus...
详细解释kidney stonen.肾结石;肾石;肾形石;软玉英英释义 kidney stone n.a calculus formed in the kidney同义词:urinary calculusn...
详细解释paronychian.甲沟炎;英英释义 paronychia[ ,pr'niki ]n.infection in the tissues adjacent to a nail on a finger or toelow-g...
详细解释leptospirosisn.细螺旋体病;英英释义 leptospirosis[ ,leptuspai'rusis ]n.an infectious disease cause by leptospira and tra...
详细解释phimosisn.包茎,包皮过长;英英释义 phimosis[ fai'musis, fi- ]n.an abnormal tightness of the foreskin preventing retracti...
详细解释rosacean.红斑痤疮;酒渣鼻;英英释义 rosacea[ ru'zeii ]n.a skin disease of adults (more often women) in which blood vesse...
详细解释hepatitis A释义甲型肝炎;英英释义 hepatitis A n.an acute but benign form of viral hepatitis caused by an RNA virus that ...
详细解释porphyrian.卟啉症(一种遗传性卟啉代谢的病态紊乱);血紫质症;英英释义 porphyria[ p:'firi: ]n.a genetic abnormality of me...
详细解释common coldn.感冒; 变形 复数:common colds 英英释义 common cold n.a mild viral infection involving the nose and respira...