共 157 个单词
常见疾病名称相关的的单词有【sexually transmitted disease】【otitis media】【gastroenteritis】【spina bifida】【juvenile diabetes】【streptococcus pneumoniae】【orchitis】【Lyme disease】【Q fever】【cervical cancer】【glandular fever】【breast cancer】【goitre】【psittacosis】【OCD】【hydrocele】【prostate cancer】【down syndrome】【azoospermia】【PTSD】【tennis elbow】【multiple myeloma】【carpal tunnel syndrome】【rheumatic fever】【fibromyalgia】【myocardial infarction】【urinary tract infection】【chlamydia】【heart failure】【nasopharyngitis】【hearing loss】【multiple sclerosis】【body dysmorphic disorder】【Obsessive-compulsive disorder】【nettle rash】【tularemia】【pemphigus】【muscular dystrophy】【erectile dysfunction】【priapism】等。
sexually transmitted diseasen.性传播(的)疾病(STD);性病;英英释义 sexually transmitted disease n.a communicable infect...
详细解释otitis media释义中耳炎;英英释义 otitis media n.inflammation of the middle ear; common in children
详细解释gastroenteritisn.肠胃炎;胃肠炎;英英释义 gastroenteritis[ ,stru,ent'raitis ]n.inflammation of the stomach and intestine...
详细解释spina bifidan.脊柱裂;英英释义 spina bifida [ ,spain'baifid, -'bi- ]n.a not uncommon congenital defect in which a verteb...
详细解释juvenile diabetes释义幼年型糖尿病;英英释义 juvenile diabetes n.severe diabetes mellitus with an early onset; characteri...
详细解释streptococcus pneumoniae释义[医] 肺炎链球菌,肺炎双球菌;英英释义 Streptococcus pneumoniaeStreptococcus pneumoniae, or p...
详细解释orchitisn.睾丸炎;英英释义 orchitis[ :'kaitis ]n.inflammation of one or both testes; characterized by pain and swelling
详细解释Lyme disease释义莱姆病;英英释义 Lyme disease n.an acute inflammatory disease characterized by a rash with joint swellin...
详细解释glandular fevern.腺热,传染性单核白细胞增多;英英释义 glandular fever n.an acute disease characterized by fever and swol...
详细解释breast cancern.乳癌;英英释义 breast cancer n.cancer of the breast; one of the most common malignancies in women in the ...
详细解释goitren.甲状腺肿,肿物; 变形 复数:goitres 英英释义 goitre[ 'it ]n.abnormally enlarged thyroid gland; can result from u...
详细解释psittacosisn.鹦鹉热(一种鸟病,常传染给人);英英释义 psittacosis[ ,psit'kusis ]n.infectious disease of birds同义词:par...
详细解释OCDabbr.Office of Civil Defense 民防局; obsessive-compulsive disorder 强迫性官能症 ;英英释义 OCDOCD is an abbreviation...
详细解释hydrocelen.积水,阴囊积水;英英释义 hydrocele[ 'haidrusi:l ]n.disorder in which serous fluid accumulates in a body sac (...
详细解释prostate cancer释义[医]前列腺癌;英英释义 prostate cancer n.cancer of the prostate gland同义词:prostatic adenocarcinoma
详细解释down syndrome释义唐氏综合征;英英释义 down syndrome [ daun ]n.a congenital disorder caused by having an extra 21st chrom...
详细解释PTSDabbr.post-traumatic stress disorder 脑外伤后遗症,创伤后压力心理障碍症;英英释义 PTSDn.an anxiety disorder associate...
详细解释tennis elbown.肘部发炎,网球员肘病;英英释义 tennis elbow n.painful inflammation of the tendon at the outer border of th...
详细解释multiple myeloma释义多发性骨髓瘤;英英释义 multiple myeloma n.myeloma that develops in several places at the same time
详细解释carpal tunnel syndrome释义腕管综合征;英英释义 carpal tunnel syndrome n.a painful disorder caused by compression of a ne...
详细解释rheumatic fevern.风湿热;英英释义 rheumatic fever n.a severe disease chiefly of children and characterized by painful in...
详细解释myocardial infarction释义心肌梗死;英英释义 myocardial infarction n.destruction of heart tissue resulting from obstructi...
详细解释urinary tract infection释义尿路感染;英英释义 urinary tract infection n.any infection of any of the organs of the urinar...
详细解释chlamydian.衣原体;披衣菌;英英释义 chlamydia[ kl'midi ]n.a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria of the gen...
详细解释heart failuren.[医]心力衰竭;英英释义 heart failure n.inability of the heart to pump enough blood to sustain normal bodi...
详细解释hearing loss释义听觉损耗,听力损失,聋度;英英释义 hearing loss n.partial or complete loss of hearing同义词:deafness
详细解释multiple sclerosisn.[医]多发性硬化;英英释义 multiple sclerosis n.a chronic progressive nervous disorder involving loss ...
详细解释Obsessive-compulsive disorder释义[医]强迫性神经失调;英英释义 Obsessive-compulsive disorder n.an anxiety disorder charac...
详细解释nettle rashn.风疹;英英释义 nettle rash n.an itchy skin eruption characterized by weals with pale interiors and well-def...
详细解释tularemian.野兔病;英英释义 tularemia[ ,tu:l'ri:mi ]n.a highly infectious disease of rodents (especially rabbits and squ...
详细解释pemphigusn.天疱疮;英英释义 pemphigus[ 'pemfis ]n.a skin disease characterized by large thin-walled blisters (bullae) ar...
详细解释muscular dystrophyn.肌肉萎缩症;英英释义 muscular dystrophy n.any of several hereditary diseases of the muscular system ...
详细解释erectile dysfunction释义勃起功能障碍;英英释义 erectile dysfunction n.impotence resulting from a man's inability to have...