共 157 个单词
常见疾病名称相关的的单词有【xerophthalmia】【endometriosis】【synovitis】【diverticulitis】【melena】【Ankylosing Spondylitis】【vitiligo】【nasal polyp】【dwarfism】【gynecomastia】【hordeolum】【impetigo】【hyperkalemia】【Pulmonary Embolism】【mycosis】【brucellosis】【rotavirus】【cystic fibrosis】【leishmaniasis】【DVT】【cerebral palsy】【lockjaw】【presbyopia】【premature birth】【lung cancer】【coronary heart disease】【cowpox】【cardiovascular disease】【varicella】【whooping cough】【yellow fever】【torticollis】【substance abuse】【scabies】【eating disorder】【SARS】【kwashiorkor】等。
xerophthalmian.眼球干燥症;目干涩;英英释义 xerophthalmia[ ,zirf'lmi ]n.abnormal dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea o...
详细解释endometriosisn.子宫内膜异位;英英释义 endometriosis[ 'endu,mi:tri'usis ]n.the presence of endometrium elsewhere than in ...
详细解释synovitisn.滑膜炎,关节膜炎;英英释义 synovitis[ ,sin'vaitis, sai- ]n.inflammation of the synovial membrane that lines a...
详细解释diverticulitisn.憩室炎;英英释义 diverticulitis[ daiv,tikju'laitis ]n.inflammation of a diverticulum in the digestive tr...
详细解释melenan.黑粪症;英英释义 melena[ m'li:n ]n.abnormally dark tarry feces containing blood (usually from gastrointestinal b...
详细解释Ankylosing Spondylitis释义强直性脊柱炎;英英释义 Ankylosing Spondylitis [ ,ki'luzi,spndi'laitis ]n.a chronic form of spo...
详细解释vitiligon.白癫风;白驳风;白斑;英英释义 vitiligo[ ,viti'laiu ]n.an acquired skin disease characterized by patches of un...
详细解释dwarfismn.矮小,矮态;矮小性;英英释义 dwarfism[ 'dw:fizm ]n.a genetic abnormality resulting in short stature同义词:nan...
详细解释gynecomastiaadj.男子女性型乳房;英英释义 gynecomastia[ ,ainiku'msti ]n.excessive development of the breasts in males; us...
详细解释hordeolumn.睑腺炎,麦粒肿; 变形 复数:hordeola 英英释义 hordeolum[ h:'di:lm ]n.an infection of the sebaceous gland of t...
详细解释impetigon.脓疱病;英英释义 impetigo[ ,impi'taiu ]n.a very contagious infection of the skin; common in children; localize...
详细解释hyperkalemian.血钾过多,高钾;英英释义 hyperkalemia[ ,haipkei'li:mi ]n.higher than normal levels of potassium in the cir...
详细解释Pulmonary Embolism释义肺栓塞;英英释义 Pulmonary Embolism n.blockage of the pulmonary artery by foreign matter or by a b...
详细解释mycosisn.霉菌病;英英释义 mycosis[ mai'kusis ]n.an inflammatory condition caused by a fungus同义词:fungal infection
详细解释brucellosisn.布鲁氏菌病;英英释义 brucellosis[ ,bru:si'lusis ]n.infectious bacterial disease of human beings transmitted...
详细解释rotavirusn.轮状病毒(一种致婴儿或新生畜胃肠炎的病毒);英英释义 rotavirus[ 'rut,vairs ]n.the reovirus causing infant ent...
详细解释cystic fibrosisn.囊性纤维化(属遗传性胰腺病);英英释义 cystic fibrosis n.the most common congenital disease; the child'...
详细解释leishmaniasisn.利什曼病(尤指黑热病);英英释义 leishmaniasis[ ,li:m'naisis, ,li:meini'usis ]n.sores resulting from a tr...
详细解释DVTabbr.[计]= Device Vector Table,设备向量表;释义Phoenix, Arizona 美国;design verification test 设计验证试验;digital ...
详细解释cerebral palsyn.大脑性瘫痪;英英释义 cerebral palsy n.a loss or deficiency of motor control with involuntary spasms caus...
详细解释lockjawn.破伤风,牙关紧闭症;英英释义 lockjaw[ 'lkd: ]n.an acute and serious infection of the central nervous system cau...
详细解释presbyopian.老花眼,远视眼;老视;英英释义 presbyopia[ ,prezbi'upj, ,pres- ]n.farsightedness resulting from a reduced ab...
详细解释lung cancer释义肺癌;英英释义 lung cancer n.carcinoma of the lungs; one of the commonest forms of cancer
详细解释cowpoxn.牛痘;英英释义 cowpox[ 'kau,pks ]n.a viral disease of cattle causing a mild skin disease affecting the udder; fo...
详细解释cardiovascular disease释义心血管病;英英释义 cardiovascular disease n.a disease of the heart or blood vessels
详细解释varicellan.水痘;英英释义 varicella[ ,vri'sel ]n.an acute contagious disease caused by herpes varicella zoster virus; ca...
详细解释whooping coughn.百日咳;英英释义 whooping cough n.a disease of the respiratory mucous membrane同义词:pertussis
详细解释yellow fevern.黄热病;英英释义 yellow fever n.caused by a flavivirus transmitted by a mosquito同义词:yellow jackblack v...
详细解释torticollisn.斜颈;英英释义 torticollis[ ,t:ti'klis ]n.an unnatural condition in which the head leans to one side becaus...
详细解释substance abuse释义[医](精神性)药物滥用,(精神作用)物质滥用;英英释义 substance abuse n.excessive use of drugs同义词...
详细解释scabies释义疥疮;瘙;疥癣;英英释义 scabies[ 'skeibii:z ]n.a contagious skin infection caused by the itch mite; characte...
详细解释eating disorder释义饮食性疾病;英英释义 eating disorder n.a disorder of the normal eating routine
详细解释SARSabbr.Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 严重急性呼吸道综合征;俗称非典型肺炎;英英释义 SARS[ sa:z ]n.a respiratory di...
详细解释kwashiorkorn.夸休可尔症,恶性营养不良;英英释义 kwashiorkor[ ,kw:i':k ]n.severe malnutrition in children resulting from ...