共 62 个单词
开放英语2相关的的单词有【songbook】【en suite】【get on well with】【open-necked】【go straight to】【provided with】【unpolluted】【up or down】【passport control】【washing-up liquid】【mini-break】【bother about】【on the right】【at the front of】【be good for】【be pleased with】【take notes】【go sightseeing】【keep a diary】【be patient with】【be bored with】【sense of humour】【go up to】【bring back】【gold medal】【in touch】【trip over】【Newcastle】【be dressed in】【The rest】【neither nor】【for ages】【on request】【catch a cold】【look round】【quick-tempered】【fitness centre】【walk off with】【medical insurance】【point at】等。
songbookn.歌谣集,歌集;歌本;英英释义 songbook[ 'sbuk, 's:- ]n.a book containing a collection of songs
详细解释provided with释义拥有;英英释义 provided with adj.having a supply of同义词:furnished withsupplied with
详细解释unpollutedadj.未受污染的,清洁的;英英释义 unpolluted[ ,np'lu:tid ]adj.free from admixture with noxious elements; clean"...
详细解释sense of humour释义幽默感;英英释义 sense of humour n.the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous...
详细解释gold medaln.金质奖章,金牌; 变形 复数:gold medals 英英释义 gold medal n.a trophy made of gold (or having the appearanc...
详细解释in touch释义在…能达到的地方;在…的附近;可以接近的;可以做到的英英释义 In TouchIn Touch is a programme on BBC Radio 4 ...
详细解释Newcastle释义纽卡斯尔(澳大利亚港市; 英国Nothumberland郡的首府; 美国Pennsylvania州西部的一城市);英英释义 Newcastle[ ...
详细解释The restn.其余者;英英释义 The RestThe Rest is a compilation album released by the Scottish band Deacon Blue in October ...
详细解释quick-temperedadj.性急的,易怒的;火性;躁;英英释义 quick-tempered[ 'kwik'tempd ]adj.quickly aroused to anger同义词:ch...