共 55 个单词
张道真自学英语第二册相关的的单词有【play the part of】【roast beef】【next-door】【Portsmouth】【Rocky Mountains】【at the latest】【horse racing】【power supply】【At your service】【at the end】【weather report】【pork chop】【Lamp shade】【needn't】【record player】【wash basin】【won't】【downstair】【take photos】【National Day】【last night】【a lot】【in many ways】【well-done】【wipe off】【last year】【arrive in】【both and】【in good health】【take time】【make money】【no one】【enter for】【underdone】【be seated】【let's】【what about】【go to school】【go for a walk】【as soon as possible】等。
roast beef释义烤牛肉,烧牛肉;英英释义 roast beef n.cut of beef suitable for roasting同义词:beef roast
详细解释next-dooradj.& adv.邻家(的);隔;英英释义 next-door[ 'nekstd:, ,nekst'd: ]adv.at or in or to the adjacent residence同义...
详细解释Portsmouth释义朴茨茅斯(英国港市);英英释义 Portsmouth[ 'p:tsm ]n.a port city in southeastern Virginia on the Elizabeth...
详细解释Rocky Mountainsn.落基山脉;释义[地名] [美国加拿大] 落基山脉;英英释义 Rocky Mountains n.the chief mountain range of west...
详细解释At your service释义听候吩咐;英英释义 At Your ServiceAt Your Service is an Irish makeover television programme, the firs...
详细解释at the end释义在…的末尾;英英释义 At the End"At the End"is the 2nd single by New York house band iiO. It was released o...
详细解释weather report释义气象报告;英英释义 Weather ReportWeather Report was an American jazz fusion band of the 1970s and earl...
详细解释Lamp shade释义灯罩;英英释义 Lamp shade n.a protective ornamental shade used to screen a light bulb from direct view同义...
详细解释record playern.电唱机; 变形 复数:record players 英英释义 record player n.machine in which rotating records cause a sty...
详细解释wash basin释义盥洗池;英英释义 wash basin n.a bathroom sink that is permanently installed and connected to a water suppl...
详细解释downstairadj.楼下的; 双语释义adv.(副词)在楼下 on a lower floor of a building向〔往〕楼下 to a lower floor of a building...
详细解释last nightadv.昨晚;英英释义 Last Night"Last Night"is the seventeenth single by House DJ Ian Carey. The track features u...
详细解释a lot释义非常多;成总儿;英英释义 a lot adv.to a very great degree or extent同义词:a good deala great dealmuchvery much
详细解释well-doneadj.做得好的,完全煮熟的;int.好!做得好!;英英释义 well-done[ 'wel'dn ]adj.(meat) cooked until there is no pi...
详细解释wipe off释义揩去,擦掉;勾销(债务);擦去;揾英英释义 wipe off [ 'waipf ]v.remove by wiping同义词:wipe awayremove by o...
详细解释last year释义去年;上年;去岁;英英释义 Last Year"Last Year"is a song recorded by singer-songwriter Lucie Silvas, to be ...
详细解释take timev.从容进行;费时;英英释义 Take TimeTake Time is the fourth release by Gyroscope and was released May 2002. The...
详细解释no onen.没有人;英英释义 No One"No One (Can Ever Change My Mind)"is a song by Swiss recording artist Stefanie Heinzmann....