共 1442 个单词
当季当红百部美剧进阶口语词汇第一刊相关的的单词有【sasquatch】【scrapyard】【sea bass】【self-regulatory】【self-criticism】【shack up with】【shiner】【parasail】【passenger pigeon】【passionless】【abstention】【slice up】【chiseler】【citywide】【clearance】【tdm】【social cohesion】【de-escalation】【decerebrate】【pilot whale】【co-founder】【matchmaking】【thrombolytic】【halfwit】【federal court】【in character】【thylacine】【in desperation】【in closing】【in awe】【in absentia】【dial back】【reheating】【congregant】【laryngectomy】【lay of the land】【Black Panther】【blind trust】【indecency】【herniate】等。
sasquatchn.大足野人;英英释义 sasquatch[ 'sskwt ]n.large hairy humanoid creature said to live in wilderness areas of the...
详细解释sea bassn.黑鲈,鲈科鱼的总称(尤指巨大的硬磷类);英英释义 sea bass n.the lean flesh of a saltwater fish of the family S...
详细解释self-criticismn.自我批评;检查;检讨;自我检讨英英释义 self-criticism[ 'self'kritisizm ]n.criticism of yourself
详细解释shinern.发光体,打伤的黑眼圈;英英释义 shiner[ 'ain ]n.a swollen bruise caused by a blow to the eye同义词:black eyemous...
详细解释parasailn.帆伞,滑翔伞;vi.参加帆伞运动,驾帆伞滑翔;英英释义 parasail[ 'pr,seil ]n.parachute that will lift a person up...
详细解释passenger pigeonn.候鸽(原产于北美);英英释义 passenger pigeon n.gregarious North American migratory pigeon now extinct...
详细解释passionlessadj.没热情的;英英释义 passionless[ 'pnlis ]adj.not passionate"passionless observation of human nature"unmove...
详细解释abstentionn.弃权;避免;回避;节制 变形 复数:abstentions 英英释义 abstention[ b'stenn ]n.the trait of abstaining (espec...
详细解释chiselern.凿工;英英释义 chiseler[ 'tizl ]n.a person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud同义词:swindlerdefr...
详细解释citywideadj.全市的,全市性的;英英释义 citywide[ 'siti,waid ]adj.occurring or extending throughout a city"citywide bussi...
详细解释clearancen.清洁,清扫;[建]净空;空隙,间隙;放行证 变形 复数:clearances 双语释义n.(名词)[U][C]净空; 余隙 the distance ...
详细解释de-escalationn.减低战争的范围或强度;英英释义 de-escalation[ ,di:esk'lein ]n.(war) a reduction in intensity (of a crisis...
详细解释decerebratevt.去(脑),切除(大脑);英英释义 decerebrate[ di:'seribrt, -breit, di:'seribreit ]v.remove the cerebrum fr...
详细解释pilot whale释义巨头鲸;英英释义 pilot whale n.small dark-colored whale of the Atlantic coast of the United States; the l...
详细解释matchmakingn.作媒;安排比赛;火柴制造(业);英英释义 matchmaking[ 'mt,meiki ]n.mediation in order to bring about a marr...
详细解释thrombolyticadj.溶解血栓的;n.溶解血栓剂;英英释义 thrombolytic[ ,rmbu'litik ]n.a kind of pharmaceutical that can break ...
详细解释federal court释义[法] 联邦法院;英英释义 federal court n.a court establish by the authority of a federal government
详细解释thylacinen.袋狼;英英释义 thylacine[ 'ailsain, -sin ]n.rare doglike carnivorous marsupial of Tasmania having stripes on ...
详细解释in absentian.缺席,不在场;英英释义 in absentia [ ,inb'senti, -i ]adv.while absent; although absent
详细解释reheatingn.重新加热;v.把…再加热( reheat的现在分词 );英英释义 reheat[ ri:'hi:ti ]v.heat again"Please reheat the food f...
详细解释laryngectomyn.喉头切除术; 变形 复数:laryngectomieslaryngectomes 英英释义 laryngectomy[ ,lrin'dektmi ]n.surgical remova...
详细解释Black Panther释义黑豹党人[亦作 Panther,略作BP];英英释义 Black Panther n.a member of the Black Panthers political party
详细解释indecencyn.下流,不适当,猥亵; 变形 复数:indecencies 英英释义 indecency[ in'di:snsi ]n.the quality of being indecentan...