共 691 个单词
rantern.豪言壮语的人,大叫大嚷的人;英英释义 ranter[ 'rnt ]n.someone who rants and raves; speaks in a violent or loud ma...
详细解释pinnern.别扣针的人,头巾之一种;垂沿女帽;垫石;拼帽工英英释义 pinner[ 'pin ]n.a woman's cap with two long flaps pinned ...
详细解释colonusn.封建时代初期的农奴;英英释义 ColonusA colonus was a type of Roman peasant farmer, a serf. This designation was ...
详细解释colophonn.书籍的末页,版本记录;英英释义 colophon[ 'klfn ]n.a publisher's emblem printed in a book (usually on the title...
详细解释benumbedadj.麻木的的,僵的;v.使麻木( benumb的过去式和过去分词 );使迟钝;使瘫痪;英英释义 benumbed[ bi'nmd ]adj.lacking...
详细解释beseechingadj.恳求似的;v.恳求,乞求(某事物)( beseech的现在分词 );英英释义 beseeching[ bi'si:ti ]adj.begging
详细解释bendedadj.弯曲的;英英释义 bended[ 'bendid ]adj.used of the back and knees; stooped"on bended knee"; "with bent (or bend...
详细解释impalpabilityn.不能触觉或感知的状态或性质;英英释义 impalpability[ im,plp'bilti ]n.the quality of being intangible and n...
详细解释springen.圈套;v.设圈套;英英释义 SpringeSpringe (Schmiech) is a river of Baden-Wrttemberg, Germany.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释reconsiderationn.再考虑,再审议,新审议;英英释义 reconsideration[ ri:kn,sid'rein ]n.a consideration of a topic (as in a...
详细解释recitativeadj.背诵的,吟诵的,叙述的;宣叙调;英英释义 recitative[ ,resit'ti:v ]n.a vocal passage of narrative text that...
详细解释plutonicadj.深成的,火成的(岩石);英英释义 plutonic[ plu:'tnik ]adj.of igneous rock that has solidified beneath the ea...
详细解释plumedadj.饰有羽毛的; 双语释义n.(名词)[P]羽毛;羽毛饰;羽毛状物 feather,especially one used for decorating;ornament of ...
详细解释polychromeadj.彩饰的;n.多彩艺术品;vt.用多色装饰; 变形 复数:polychromes过去式:polychromed过去分词:polychromed现在分...
详细解释compleatadj.有造诣的,非常熟练的;英英释义 COMPLEATProtein Complex Enrichment Analysis Tool is an online bioinformatics ...
详细解释compoundedadj.混[复]合的;v.混合,组合( compound的过去式和过去分词);英英释义 compounded[ km'paundid ]adj.combined into ...
详细解释labouringn.劳动,操劳;英英释义 labouring[ 'leibri ]adj.doing arduous or unpleasant work同义词:drudginglaboringtoiling
详细解释galatiansn.(新约圣经中的)迦拉太书;英英释义 galatians[ 'leiinz ]n.a New Testament book containing the epistle from Sai...
详细解释importunityn.硬要,强求; 变形 复数:importunities 英英释义 importunity[ ,imp:'tju:nti ]n.insistent solicitation and ent...
详细解释dialecticiann.辩证家,辩论的能手;英英释义 dialectician[ ,dailek'tin ]n.a logician skilled in dialectic