共 28 个单词
戏剧演出相关的的单词有【orchestra pit】【art director】【prompters' box】【scene-man】【stage illumination】【to applaud】【property man】【properties】【make-up man】【farewell performance】【stage effect】【stage manager】【mobile troupe】【revolving stage】【to answer a curtain call to respond to a curtain call】【props】【top light】【to give an encore】【The curtain falls.】【scene-painter】【foot light】【to present a bouquet (a basket of flowers) to ...】【setting designer】【The curtain rises.】【master of ceremonies】【possible encore】【back stage】【first performance】等。
orchestra pit释义(剧场舞台前面的)乐池;英英释义 orchestra pit n.lowered area in front of a stage where an orchestra ac...
详细解释art director释义布景师;英英释义 art director n.the director in charge of the artistic features of a theatrical producti...
详细解释property mann.道具管理人,(煤矿的)装备管理员;英英释义 property man n.member of the stage crew in charge of properties...
详细解释propertiesn.房地产(property的名词复数);财产;所有权;特性英英释义 propertyn.any area set aside for a particular purpose...
详细解释farewell performance英英释义 Farewell PerformanceFarewell Performance is a 1963 British crime film directed by Robert Tr...
详细解释stage managern.舞台监督; 变形 复数:stage managers 英英释义 stage manager n.someone who supervises the physical aspects...
详细解释revolving stage释义旋转台;英英释义 Revolving stageA revolving stage is a mechanically controlled platform within a thea...
详细解释to answer a curtain call to respond to a curtain call
详细解释scene-painterscene-paintern.an artist specializing in scenic subjects同义词:scenic artistscene paintera painter of thea...
详细解释foot light英英释义 FootlightFootlight is a serif typeface designed by Ong Chong Wah for the Monotype Corporation.以上来源...
详细解释to present a bouquet (a basket of flowers) to ...
详细解释master of ceremoniesn.节目主持人,司仪; 变形 复数:masters of ceremonies 英英释义 master of ceremonies n.a person who a...
详细解释back stage释义后台;英英释义 back stage n.a stage area out of sight of the audience同义词:wingoffstagebackstageadj.conc...
详细解释first performance释义(戏剧、电影等)初演,初映,首场演出;英英释义 First PerformanceFirst Performance is a Canadian dra...