共 48 个单词
托福必记必背专业词汇相关的的单词有【parasitical】【celestial sphere】【acceleration of gravity】【magnetic force】【the Mediterranean Sea】【conservation of energy】【continental island】【continental crust】【anthropologic】【oceanic crust】【ocean bottom】【endotherm】【inland waterway】【cross-breed】【lower reaches】【isotype】【carpathian】【remote sensing】【dimethyl】【carven】【heterogenous】【the Arctic Circle】【comparative literature】【string music】【transverse wave】【leading character】【pangaea】【pastel drawing】【keyboard instrument】【dark room】【gamma ray】【sea-floor spreading】【solar corona】【upper reaches】【seismic intensity scale】【ultraviolet radiation】【Triumphal Arch】【cave man】【star cluster】【volcanic island】等。
parasiticaladj.寄生的,食客的;英英释义 parasitical[ pr'sitikl ]adj.relating to or caused by parasites同义词:parasitico...
详细解释celestial spheren.天球(一个想像假设的无限大球体);天球仪;英英释义 celestial sphere n.the apparent surface of the imag...
详细解释magnetic forcen.磁力;英英释义 magnetic force n.attraction for iron; associated with electric currents as well as magnet...
详细解释conservation of energyn.能量守恒定律;英英释义 conservation of energy n.the fundamental principle of physics that the to...
详细解释continental crust释义陆壳;英英释义 Continental crustThe thickness of the Earth's crust (km).以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释oceanic crust释义洋底壳;英英释义 Oceanic crustAge of oceanic crust. The red is most recent, and blue is the oldest.以上...
详细解释ocean bottom释义洋底;英英释义 ocean bottom n.the bottom of a sea or ocean同义词:ocean floorseabedsea bottomDavy Jones'...
详细解释endothermn.温血动物,恒温动物;英英释义 EndothermAn endotherm (Greek: endon = "within", therm = "heat") is an organism t...
详细解释inland waterway释义内河航道;英英释义 Inland WaterwayCheboygan River flowing through Cheboygan以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释cross-breedn.杂种; 变形 复数:cross-breeds过去式:cross-bred现在分词:cross-breeding第三人称单数:cross-breeds 英英释义...
详细解释carpathianadj.喀尔巴阡山脉的;英英释义 CarpathianThe Carpathian goat breed from southeastern Europe (including Romania a...
详细解释remote sensing释义遥感,遥测,远距离读出;英英释义 Remote sensingRemote sensing techniques in archaeology are an increas...
详细解释carvenadj.雕刻的;英英释义 carven[ 'k:vn ]adj.made for or formed by carving (`carven' is archaic or literary)"stood as i...
详细解释heterogenousadj.异种的,异质的,异源的;英英释义 heterogenous[ ,het'rdns ]adj.consisting of elements that are not of the...
详细解释comparative literature释义比较文学(对各国文学进行的比较研究,强调它们相互间的影响以及相似形式、主题等的运用);英英释义 c...
详细解释string musicn.弦乐队;英英释义 StringmusicStringmusic: for string orchestra, a musical composition by Morton Gould, comm...
详细解释pangaean.[海洋] 泛大陆;盘古大陆;英英释义 pangaea[ pn'di: ]n.(plate tectonics) a hypothetical continent including all t...
详细解释keyboard instrument释义键盘乐器;英英释义 Keyboard instrumentA keyboard instrument is a musical instrument played using ...
详细解释dark room释义暗室,暗区;英英释义 dark room n.a room in which photographs are developed同义词:darkroom
详细解释gamma rayn.伽马射线,射线;英英释义 gamma ray n.electromagnetic radiation emitted during radioactive decay and having an...
详细解释sea-floor spreading释义海底扩张;英英释义 Seafloor spreadingAge of oceanic crust; youngest (red) is along spreading cent...
详细解释ultraviolet radiationn.紫外线;紫外辐射;英英释义 ultraviolet radiation n.radiation lying in the ultraviolet range; wave...
详细解释Triumphal Archn.凯旋门;英英释义 Triumphal Arch n.a monumental archway; usually they are built to commemorate some notab...
详细解释cave mann.(史前石器时代的)穴居人,(尤指对妇女无礼的)粗野汉;英英释义 cave man n.someone who lives in a cave同义词:c...
详细解释star clustern.星团;英英释义 Star clusterStar clusters or star clouds are groups of stars. Two types of star clusters ca...