共 23 个单词
数学常用词汇总结词串相关的的单词有【differentiable】【dashed line】【crystalize】【adiabatic】【skewness】【lemma】【backslash】【bimodal】【meta】【multiplicative】【hexadecimal】【monomial】【quantifier】【reformat】【alphanumeric】【monotonic】【nonnegative】【augend】【multinomial】【radian】【addend】【subtrahend】【minuend】等。
differentiableadj.可辨的,可区分的,可微的;英英释义 differentiable[ ,dif'renib ]adj.possessing a differential coefficie...
详细解释crystalizev.明确;英英释义 crystalize[ 'kristlaiz ]v.make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear同义词:clearclear...
详细解释adiabaticadj.绝热的,隔热的;英英释义 adiabatic[ ,di'btik ]adj.occurring without loss or gain of heat"adiabatic expansio...
详细解释skewness释义偏斜;英英释义 skewness[ 'skju:nis ]n.an oblique or slanting asymmetry同义词:lopsidedness
详细解释lemman.引理;辅助定理;论点;主旨英英释义 lemma[ 'lem ]n.a subsidiary proposition that is assumed to be true in order to...
详细解释backslashn.反斜线符号;英英释义 BackslashThe backslash (\) is a typographical mark (glyph) used mainly in computing and ...
详细解释bimodaladj.双峰的;英英释义 bimodal[ bai'mudl ]adj.of a distribution; having or occurring with two modes
详细解释multiplicativen.乘法;adj.增加的,乘法的;英英释义 multiplicative[ ,mlti'pliktiv, 'mltiplikeitiv ]adj.tending or having ...
详细解释hexadecimaln.& adj.十六进制(的);英英释义 hexadecimal[ ,heks'desiml ]adj.of or pertaining to a number system having 16...
详细解释monomialn.单项式;adj.单项的;英英释义 MonomialIn mathematics, a monomial is roughly speaking, a polynomial which has on...
详细解释quantifiern.数量词,量词; 变形 复数:quantifiers 英英释义 quantifier[ 'kwntifai ]n.(logic) a word (such as `some' or `a...
详细解释alphanumericadj.文字数字的,包括文字与数字的;英英释义 alphanumeric[ ,lfnju:'merik,-kl ]adj.of or pertaining to alphanum...
详细解释monotonicadj.单调的,无变化的;英英释义 monotonic[ ,mn'tnik ]adj.of a sequence or function; consistently increasing and ...
详细解释augendn.被加数;英英释义 augend[ ':dend ]n.a number to which another number (the addend) is added
详细解释multinomialadj.多项的;n.多项式;英英释义 multinomial[ ,mlti'numil ]n.a mathematical function that is the sum of a numbe...
详细解释radiann.弧度;弪;英英释义 radian[ 'reidin ]n.the unit of plane angle adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites; ...
详细解释addendn.加数;英英释义 addend[ 'dend, 'dend ]n.a number that is added to another number (the augend)
详细解释subtrahendn.减数;英英释义 subtrahend[ 'sbtrhend ]n.the number to be subtracted from the minuend