共 78 个单词
新世纪大学英语综合教程4第二版相关的的单词有【show signs of】【SOCIO-economic】【be stuck with】【the mass】【the masses】【plot out】【in the strict sense】【in this regard】【of a piece】【get someone's teeth into】【for dear life】【build into】【at a guess】【It turns out that】【tough out】【self concept】【thaw out】【search out】【live over】【invest with】【in touch with】【the other side of the coin】【dusting】【ritualize】【in fear of】【hold fast to】【beauty salon】【garage sale】【pass into】【tire of】【intensive care】【hairdryer】【for certain】【gross domestic product】【move along】【work at】【from head to foot】【take heart】【take time】【all too】等。
SOCIO-economicadj.社会经济学的;英英释义 SOCIO-economicadj.involving social as well as economic factors同义词:socioecon...
详细解释the masses释义大众;群众;英英释义 The MassesThe Masses is a magazine of socialist politics published monthly in the U.S...
详细解释for dear life释义为了逃命,拼命地,不顾死活地;英英释义 for dear life adv.as though your life was at stake
详细解释live over释义重温;重新过(某种日子);住在高于…的地方;英英释义 live over v.experience again, often in the imagination...
详细解释the other side of the coin释义事情的另一方面;英英释义 The Other Side of the CoinThe Other Side of the Coin is an acoust...
详细解释dustingn.打扫,殴打;撒粉;除灰;敷粉英英释义 dustn.fine powdery material such as dry earth or pollen that can be blown ...
详细解释ritualizevt.使仪式化,奉行仪式主义; 变形 过去式:ritualized过去分词:ritualized现在分词:ritualizing第三人称单数:ritua...
详细解释beauty salonn.美容院; 变形 复数:beauty salons 英英释义 beauty salon n.a shop where hairdressers and beauticians work同...
详细解释garage salen.现场旧货出售; 变形 复数:garage sales 英英释义 garage sale n.an outdoor sale of used personal or household...
详细解释intensive caren.重病特别护理;英英释义 intensive care n.close monitoring and constant medical care of patients with life...
详细解释for certain释义无疑地, 确定地;英英释义 for certain adv.definitely or positively (`sure' is sometimes used informally f...
详细解释gross domestic product释义国内生产毛额,国内生产总值; 变形 复数:gross domestic products 英英释义 gross domestic produc...
详细解释work at释义在…工作;从事于…,致力于…;英英释义 work at v.to exert effort in order to do, make, or perform something同...
详细解释take timev.从容进行;费时;英英释义 Take TimeTake Time is the fourth release by Gyroscope and was released May 2002. The...