共 329 个单词
新加坡中一科学教科书Lower-Secondary-Science-Matters-Volume-A相关的的单词有【saber-toothed】【Sales Clerk】【calcium oxide】【calcium carbonate】【canoeist】【pantothenic acid】【SI】【penicillium notatum】【marine biologist】【colourless】【Bengal】【sputter out】【biotin】【in contact with】【methylmercury】【micro-organism】【constant effort】【Ministry of Education】【warm blood】【cost saving】【nephrite】【limewater】【Archimedes】【vaporisation】【vernier caliper】【crude oil】【non living】【keen sense】【euglena】【ethanoic acid】【ground coffee】【Gulf of Mexico】【pinkish】【developing country】【electrical wire】【catchment】【criterial】【measuring tape】【electron microscope】【re-examine】等。
saber-toothedadj.有军刀形的,上犬齿的;英英释义 saber-toothed[ 'seibtu:t ]adj.having teeth that resemble sabers"a saber-...
详细解释Sales Clerkn.售货员; 变形 复数:sales clerks 英英释义 Sales Clerk n.a salesperson in a store同义词:salesclerkshop cler...
详细解释calcium oxiden.氧化钙,生石灰;英英释义 calcium oxide n.a white crystalline oxide used in the production of calcium hydr...
详细解释calcium carbonaten.碳酸钙;英英释义 calcium carbonate n.a salt found in nature as chalk or calcite or aragonite or limes...
详细解释canoeistn.划独木舟的人; 变形 复数:canoeists 英英释义 canoeist[ k'nu:ist ]n.someone paddling a canoe同义词:paddler
详细解释pantothenic acidn.泛酸;维生素B5;英英释义 pantothenic acid n.a vitamin of the vitamin B complex that performs an import...
详细解释SIabbr.Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚;Spark Ignition 火花塞点火;英英释义 SI[ si: ]n.a complete metric system of units of measurem...
详细解释colourlessadj.无色的;无趣的;不刺激的;呆板的英英释义 colourless[ 'kllis ]adj.lacking in variety and interest同义词:co...
详细解释Bengaln.孟加拉;[人名]本格尔;英英释义 Bengal[ be':l ]n.a region whose eastern part is now Bangladesh and whose western ...
详细解释biotinn.生物素,维生素;维生素H;英英释义 biotin[ 'baitin ]n.a B vitamin that aids in body growth同义词:vitamin H
详细解释methylmercuryn.甲基水银;英英释义 MethylmercuryFormula. X stands for any [[anion]]以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释micro-organismn.微生物; 变形 复数:micro-organisms 英英释义 micro-organism[ ,maikru':gnizm ]n.any organism of microscop...
详细解释Ministry of Educationn.教育部;英英释义 Ministry of EducationThe Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic () is a go...
详细解释warm bloodn.温血动物,恒温动物;热血;英英释义 WarmbloodA [[Trakehner performing dressage.]]以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释nephriten.软玉;英英释义 nephrite[ 'nefrait ] amphibole mineral consisting of calcium magnesium silicate in monoclin...
详细解释limewatern.石灰水;英英释义 limewater[ 'laim,w:t ]n.solution of calcium hydroxide in water used as an antacid
详细解释Archimedesn.阿基米德;英英释义 Archimedes[ ,a:ki'mi:di:z ]n.Greek mathematician and physicist noted for his work in hydr...
详细解释vaporisationn.汽化器,喷雾器,蒸馏器;英英释义 vaporisation[ ,veiprai'zein ]n.the process of becoming a vapor同义词:vap...
详细解释vernier calipern.游标卡尺;英英释义 vernier caliper n.a caliper with a vernier scale for very fine measurements同义词:v...
详细解释crude oiln.原油;英英释义 crude oil n.a dark oil consisting mainly of hydrocarbons同义词:petroleumcruderock oilfossil o...
详细解释non living英英释义 non living adj.not endowed with life同义词:inanimatenonlivingnon-livingdead
详细解释euglenan.眼虫属; 变形 复数:euglenas 英英释义 euglena[ ju'li:n ]n.minute single-celled green freshwater organism having...
详细解释ethanoic acid释义乙酸;英英释义 ethanoic acid n.a colorless pungent liquid widely used in manufacturing plastics and pha...
详细解释Gulf of Mexico英英释义 Gulf of Mexico arm of the Atlantic south of the United States and east of Mexico同义词:Golf...
详细解释developing countryn.发展中国家;英英释义 developing country n.a country that is poor and whose citizens are mostly agric...
详细解释catchmentn.集水,集水处(水库或集水盆地); 变形 复数:catchments 英英释义 catchment[ 'ktmnt ]n.a structure in which wat...
详细解释electron microscopen.电子显微镜;英英释义 electron microscope n.a microscope that is similar in purpose to a light micro...
详细解释re-examinevt.再检查;再审问;再考试; 变形 过去式:re-examined过去分词:re-examined现在分词:re-examining第三人称单数:r...