共 238 个单词
新加坡中二科学原版教材相关的的单词有【scrapyard】【scuba diver】【sex gland】【sexual intercourse】【Census Bureau】【SI】【pear-shaped】【skin tone】【magnetic force】【circuit diagram】【affected area】【maltase】【pid】【coastal area】【alimentary canal】【deep into】【spermicide】【facial hair】【ear canal】【belay】【bell jar】【Three Gorges Dam】【deoxygenate】【spring balance】【egest】【menstrual flow】【Menstrual cycle】【positive charge】【potential difference】【fertilisation】【electrical conductor】【electric oven】【gastric juice】【premarital sex】【oesophagus】【emulsify】【infrasound】【water hyacinth】【equaliser】【inter-related】等。
sex glandn.性腺,生殖腺;英英释义 sex gland n.a gland in which gametes (sex cells) are produced同义词:gonad
详细解释sexual intercoursen.性交;性关系;英英释义 sexual intercourse n.the act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman;...
详细解释Census Bureau释义人口调查局;英英释义 Census Bureau n.the bureau of the Commerce Department responsible for taking the c...
详细解释SIabbr.Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚;Spark Ignition 火花塞点火;英英释义 SI[ si: ]n.a complete metric system of units of measurem...
详细解释pear-shapedadj.梨子形的; 圆润的;英英释义 pear-shaped[ 'peipt ]adj.having a round shape tapered at one end(of sounds) f...
详细解释magnetic forcen.磁力;英英释义 magnetic force n.attraction for iron; associated with electric currents as well as magnet...
详细解释circuit diagramn.电路图,线路图;英英释义 Circuit diagramA circuit diagram (also known as an electrical diagram, element...
详细解释pidabbr.prolapsed intervertebral disk 椎间盘突出;英英释义 pidn.inflammation of the female pelvic organs (especially the...
详细解释alimentary canaln.消化道; 变形 复数:alimentary canals 英英释义 alimentary canal n.tubular passage of mucous membrane a...
详细解释spermiciden.杀精子剂; 变形 复数:spermicides 英英释义 spermicide[ 'sp:misaid ]n.a contraceptive agent that kills sperma...
详细解释facial hair释义[医]面毛;英英释义 Facial hairFacial hair is a secondary sex characteristic of human males. Men typically...
详细解释ear canaln.[电] 耳道; 变形 复数:ear canals 英英释义 ear canal n.either of the passages in the outer ear from the auric...
详细解释bell jarn.钟形的玻璃容器或盖子;钟罩;英英释义 bell jar n.a bell-shaped glass cover used to protect and display delicate...
详细解释spring balancen.弹簧秤;英英释义 spring balance n.a balance that measure weight by the tension on a helical spring同义词...
详细解释egestvt.排泄; 变形 过去式:egested过去分词:egested现在分词:egesting第三人称单数:egests 英英释义 egest[ i:'dest ]v.el...
详细解释menstrual flown.月经;英英释义 menstrual flow n.flow of blood from the uterus; occurs at roughly monthly intervals durin...
详细解释Menstrual cycle释义月经周期;英英释义 Menstrual cycle n.a recurring cycle (beginning at menarche and ending at menopause...
详细解释positive chargen.正电荷,阳电荷;英英释义 positive charge n.having a deficiency of electrons; having a higher electric p...
详细解释potential differencen.位差,势差;英英释义 potential difference n.the difference in electrical charge between two points...
详细解释fertilisationn.施肥;受孕;英英释义 fertilisation[ ,ftilai'zein ]n.creation by the physical union of male and female gam...
详细解释electrical conductor释义导电体,电导线;英英释义 Electrical conductorIn physics and electrical engineering, a conductor ...
详细解释gastric juicen.胃液;英英释义 gastric juice n.digestive secretions of the stomach glands consisting chiefly of hydrochlo...
详细解释oesophagusn.食管,食道; 变形 复数:oesophaguses 英英释义 oesophagus[ i:'sfs ]n.the passage between the pharynx and the ...
详细解释emulsifyvt.使乳化; 变形 过去式:emulsified过去分词:emulsified现在分词:emulsifying第三人称单数:emulsifies 英英释义 em...
详细解释infrasoundn.次声(风暴产生的低频音波);英英释义 InfrasoundInfrasound, sometimes referred to as low-frequency sound, is ...
详细解释water hyacinth释义水葫芦,风眼蓝;凤眼兰;英英释义 water hyacinth n.a tropical floating aquatic plant having spikes of l...
详细解释equalisern.使相等的东西,平衡装置,均衡器;英英释义 equaliser[ 'i:kwlaiz ]n.electronic equipment that reduces frequency ...
详细解释inter-related互相关联的 英英释义 inter-relatedadj.reciprocally connected同义词:interconnectedinterrelated