共 238 个单词
新加坡中二科学原版教材相关的的单词有【parasitism】【decomposer】【mutualism】【Eustachian tube】【ovulation】【progesterone】【Fallopian tube】【testis】【protease】【urethra】【jet engine】【glycerol】【chlorinate】【scrotum】【albumin】【vibrio】【weather pattern】【kWh】【by the end of】【link to】【make a decision】【earphone】【nuclear fusion】【lead-in】【potential energy】【scoop up】【newton】【gigawatt】【parachutist】【UV】【walking stick】【expiry date】【make a comeback】【over time】【wash away】【yowl】【dodder】【geothermal energy】【wind turbine】【ocean floor】等。
parasitismn.寄生状态,寄生病;寄生性;英英释义 parasitism[ 'prsaitizm ]n.the relation between two different kinds of org...
详细解释decomposern.分解体(分解已败死的原生质之有机体);腐生物;英英释义 DecomposerThe fungi on this tree are decomposers以上来...
详细解释mutualismn.互助论,互利共生;互惠共生;共栖;英英释义 mutualism[ 'mju:tulizm, -tju- ]n.the relation between two differen...
详细解释Eustachian tuben.耳咽管,咽鼓管;英英释义 Eustachian tube n.either of the paired tubes connecting the middle ears to the...
详细解释ovulationn.排卵,产卵作用;英英释义 ovulation[ ,uvju'lein, - ]n.the expulsion of an ovum from the ovary (usually midway ...
详细解释progesteronen.孕酮;孕激素;黄体酮;孕甾酮英英释义 progesterone[ pru'destrun ]n.a steroid hormone (trade name Lipo-Lutin...
详细解释Fallopian tuben.输卵管;英英释义 Fallopian tube [ f'lupin ]n.either of a pair of tubes conducting the egg from the ovary...
详细解释testisn.睾丸(testical的复数); 变形 复数:testes 英英释义 testis[ 'testis ] of the two male reproductive glands tha...
详细解释proteasen.蛋白酶;英英释义 protease[ 'prutieis ]n.any enzyme that catalyzes the splitting of proteins into smaller pepti...
详细解释urethran.尿道; 变形 复数:urethrasurethrae 英英释义 urethra[ ju'ri:r ]n.duct through which urine is discharged in most ...
详细解释jet enginen.喷气发动机; 变形 复数:jet engines 英英释义 jet engine n.a gas turbine produces a stream of hot gas that pr...
详细解释glyceroln.甘油,丙三醇;醋精;英英释义 glycerol[ 'lisrl ]n.a sweet syrupy trihydroxy alcohol obtained by saponification ...
详细解释chlorinatevt.使氯发生作用,用氯消毒; 变形 过去式:chlorinated过去分词:chlorinated现在分词:chlorinating第三人称单数:c...
详细解释scrotumn.阴囊; 变形 复数:scrotums 英英释义 scrotum[ 'skrutm ]n.the external pouch that contains the testes
详细解释albuminn.清蛋白,白蛋白;英英释义 albumin[ 'lbjumin ]n.a simple water-soluble protein found in many animal tissues and l...
详细解释vibrion.弧菌(一种S形霍乱菌); 变形 复数:vibrios 英英释义 vibrio[ 'vibriu ]n.curved rodlike motile bacterium同义词:vi...
详细解释kWhabbr.kilowatt-hour 度,千瓦/小时;英英释义 KWHkWh, kW h, and kWh are used as abbreviations for kilowatt hour, a unit ...
详细解释earphonen.耳机,听筒; 变形 复数:earphones 英英释义 earphone[ 'ifun ]n.electro-acoustic transducer for converting elect...
详细解释nuclear fusionn.核子融合;核聚变;英英释义 nuclear fusion n.a nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more mass...
详细解释lead-inn.天线引入线,与广告播放有关的节目;adj.引入的; 变形 复数:lead-ins 英英释义 lead-in[ 'li:d'in ]n.the introducto...
详细解释potential energyn.势能;英英释义 potential energy n.the mechanical energy that a body has by virtue of its position; sto...
详细解释scoop up释义铲起;舀;英英释义 scoop up v.take out or up with or as if with a scoop同义词:scoopscoop outlift outtake up
详细解释parachutistn.跳伞者; 变形 复数:parachutists 英英释义 parachutist[ 'pru:tist ]n.a person who jumps from aircraft using ...
详细解释UVabbr.umbilical vein 脐静脉;uncollected vouchers 未收凭单;Unique Visitor 独立访客;英英释义 UVn.radiation lying in th...
详细解释walking stickn.手杖; 变形 复数:walking sticks 英英释义 walking stick n.a stick carried in the hand for support in walk...
详细解释over time释义随着时间的过去;英英释义 over time done in addition to regular working hours同义词:overtimeplaying ...
详细解释wash away释义冲走,清洗;消除;涤荡;涤除英英释义 wash away v.eliminateremove by the application of water or other liqui...
详细解释doddervi.摇摆,蹒跚;n.菟丝子;英英释义 dodder[ 'dd ]n.a leafless annual parasitic vine of the genus Cuscuta having whit...
详细解释geothermal energy释义地热能;英英释义 geothermal energy derived from the heat in the interior of the earth
详细解释ocean floor释义海底;大洋底;英英释义 ocean floor n.the bottom of a sea or ocean同义词:ocean bottomseabedsea bottomDavy...