共 110 个单词
新思维医学英语基础教程单词集锦相关的的单词有【microscopist】【transmembrane】【goblet cell】【osteomalacia】【retinol】【immunosorbent】【karyon】【dermatophyte】【innervation】【desmosome】【endonuclease】【calciferol】【centrifugation】【trypsinogen】【thermoregulation】【superfamily】【oblongata】【forebrain】【hindbrain】【hydroxyproline】【palatine】【tocopherol】【musculoskeletal】【tectum】【brainstem】【cilium】【depolarization】【glomerular】【pepsinogen】【carotenoid】【flexor】【osteocyte】【gastrin】【antidiuretic】【cytoplasmic】【menarche】【extensor】【thalamus】【salivary】【prothrombin】等。
microscopistn.使用显微镜的技术人员;英英释义 microscopist[ mai'krskpist ]n.a scientist who specializes in research with ...
详细解释osteomalacian.骨软化;骨钙缺乏;英英释义 osteomalacia[ ,stium'leii ]n.abnormal softening of bones caused by deficiencies...
详细解释retinoln.松香油,维生素A,视黄醇;英英释义 retinol[ 'retinl, -n:l ]n.an unsaturated alcohol that occurs in marine fish-li...
详细解释karyonn.细胞核,核;英英释义 karyon[ 'krin ]n.a part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and r...
详细解释dermatophyten.皮肤真菌,表皮寄生菌;皮霉;皮真菌;皮霉菌英英释义 DermatophyteDermatophytes (name based on the Greek for ...
详细解释innervationn.神经分布;神经支配;运动感觉;动感英英释义 innervation[ ,in:'vein ]n.the neural or electrical arousal of an...
详细解释endonucleasen.核酸内切酶;英英释义 endonuclease[ ,endu'nju:klieis ]n.a nuclease that cleaves nucleic acids at interior b...
详细解释calciferoln.钙化醇,骨化醇;维生素D2;英英释义 calciferol[ kl'sifrl ]n.a fat-soluble vitamin that prevents rickets同义词...
详细解释centrifugationn.离心法,离心过滤;英英释义 centrifugation[ sen,trifju'ein ]n.the process of separating substances by the...
详细解释trypsinogenn.胰蛋白酶原;英英释义 trypsinogen[ trip'sindn ]n.inactive precursor of trypsin; a substance secreted by the ...
详细解释thermoregulationn.体温调节,温度调节;调温;英英释义 ThermoregulationThermoregulation is the ability of an organism to k...
详细解释superfamilyn.总科;超科;英英释义 superfamily[ ,sju:p'fmli ]n.(biology) a taxonomic group ranking below an order but abo...
详细解释forebrainn.前脑,壮年人发达的脑部;英英释义 forebrain[ 'f:brein ]n.the anterior portion of the brain; the part of the br...
详细解释hindbrainn.脑的最后部,后脑;菱脑;英英释义 hindbrain[ 'haindbrein ]n.the posterior portion of the brain including cereb...
详细解释hydroxyprolinen.羟(基)脯氨酸;英英释义 hydroxyproline[ hai,drksi'pruli:n, -lin ]n.a crystalline amino acid obtained fr...
详细解释tocopheroln.生育酚,维生素E;英英释义 tocopherol[ tu'kfrl, -rul, -r:l ]n.a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for nor...
详细解释musculoskeletaladj.肌(与)骨骼的;英英释义 musculoskeletal[ ,mskjulu'skelitl ]adj.relating to muscles and skeleton
详细解释brainstem释义脑干;英英释义 brainstem[ 'breinstem ]n.the part of the brain continuous with the spinal cord and comprisin...
详细解释ciliumn.睫毛,纤毛; 变形 复数:cilia 英英释义 cilium[ 'silim ]n.a hairlike projection from the surface of a cell; provi...
详细解释depolarizationn.除极,去极化;英英释义 depolarization[ 'di:-,pulrai'zein, -ri'z- ]n.a loss of polarity or polarization同...
详细解释pepsinogenn.胃蛋白酶原;胃蛋白细胞;英英释义 pepsinogen[ pep'sindn ]n.precursor of pepsin; stored in the stomach walls a...
详细解释carotenoidn.类胡罗卜素;英英释义 carotenoid[ k'rtnid ]n.any of a class of highly unsaturated yellow to red pigments occu...
详细解释flexorn.屈肌;英英释义 flexor[ 'fleks ]n.a skeletal muscle whose contraction bends a joint同义词:flexor muscle
详细解释gastrinn.胃泌激素;促胃液素;英英释义 gastrin[ 'strin ]n.polypeptide hormone secreted by the mucous lining of the stomac...
详细解释antidiureticn.尿分泌抑制剂,抗利尿剂;adj.抑制尿分泌的;英英释义 antidiuretic[ 'nti,daiju'retik ]n.a drug that limits th...
详细解释cytoplasmicadj.细胞质的;英英释义 cytoplasmic[ ,saitu'plzmik ]adj.of or relating to cytoplasm同义词:cytoplasmatic
详细解释menarchen.初潮;经初期;英英释义 menarche[ me'n:ki:, m- ]n.the first occurrence of menstruation in a woman
详细解释extensorn.伸肌;英英释义 extensor[ ik'stens ]n.a skeletal muscle whose contraction extends or stretches a body part同义词...
详细解释thalamusn.丘脑,室,花托; 变形 复数:thalami 英英释义 thalamus[ 'lms ]n.large egg-shaped structures of grey matter that...
详细解释salivaryadj.唾液的,分泌唾液的;唾腺;英英释义 salivary[ 'slivri, s'laivri ]adj.of or relating to saliva"salivary gland"
详细解释prothrombinn.凝血素;英英释义 prothrombin[ pr'rmbin ]n.a protein in blood plasma that is the inactive precursor of throm...