共 92 个单词
新托福听力词汇小伴侣相关的的单词有【semidiameter】【access time】【permittivity】【baud】【physical change】【air resistance】【terminal unit】【speleothem】【random access】【plate collision】【cognitive psychology】【icefall】【ideomotor】【pleochroism】【ectomorphic】【galvanometer】【head wind】【dichroism】【mesomorphic】【refrangibility】【continental island】【law of conservation of energy】【electrolyze】【anticline】【microearthquake】【ocean bottom】【ohmmeter】【corallite】【coralline】【endomorphic】【internal combustion engine】【hominine】【hydrologist】【sumatran】【proxy server】【fracturation】【frost heaving】【nonferrous metal】【buffer storage】【astronomical observatory】等。
semidiametern.半径;英英释义 semidiameter[ ,semidai'mit, ,semai- ]n.the apparent radius of a celestial body when viewed ...
详细解释access time释义存取时间,访问时间; 变形 复数:access times 英英释义 access time n.(computer science) the interval betwe...
详细解释permittivityn.介电常数,电容率; 变形 复数:permittivities 英英释义 PermittivityIn electromagnetism, absolute permittivi...
详细解释baudn.波特;英英释义 baud[ b:d ]n.(computer science) a data transmission rate (bits/second) for modems同义词:baud rate
详细解释physical change释义物理变化;英英释义 physical change n.a change from one state (solid or liquid or gas) to another with...
详细解释speleothemn.洞穴堆积物(如钟乳石);英英释义 SpeleothemImage showing the six most common speleothems with labels. Enlarg...
详细解释random accessn.随机存取;英英释义 Random accessRandom access compared to [[sequential access.]]以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释cognitive psychology释义认知心理学;英英释义 cognitive psychology n.an approach to psychology that emphasizes internal m...
详细解释icefalln.冰布,冰崩;冰暴;英英释义 icefall[ 'aisf:l ]n.a steep part of a glacier resembling a frozen waterfall
详细解释pleochroismn.(晶体等的)多向色性,多色性;英英释义 pleochroism[ pli'kruizm ]n.the phenomenon of different colors appear...
详细解释ectomorphicadj.外胚层体型的,瘦型体质的;英英释义 ectomorphic[ ,ekt'm:fik ]adj.having a build with little fat or muscle ...
详细解释galvanometern.检流计;电流表;英英释义 galvanometer[ ,lv'nmit ]n.meter for detecting or comparing or measuring small ele...
详细解释head windv.顶风;英英释义 head wind n.wind blowing opposite to the path of a ship or aircraft同义词:headwind
详细解释dichroismn.二向色性,二色性,分色性;英英释义 dichroism[ 'daikruizm ]n.pleochroism of a crystal so that it exhibits two ...
详细解释mesomorphicadj.具有由中胚叶发达的筋骨的,(具有)体育型体质;英英释义 mesomorphic[ ,mesu'm:fik ]adj.having a robust musc...
详细解释law of conservation of energyn.能量守恒定律;英英释义 law of conservation of energy n.the fundamental principle of physi...
详细解释electrolyzevt.电解;用电蚀法除去(毛等); 变形 过去式:electrolyzed过去分词:electrolyzed现在分词:electrolyzing第三人称...
详细解释microearthquaken.微震(指里氏震级2。5级以下的地震);英英释义 MicroearthquakeA microearthquake (or microquake) is a very...
详细解释ocean bottom释义洋底;英英释义 ocean bottom n.the bottom of a sea or ocean同义词:ocean floorseabedsea bottomDavy Jones'...
详细解释ohmmetern.欧姆计,欧姆表;英英释义 ohmmeter[ 'um,mi:t ]n.a meter for measuring electrical resistance in ohms
详细解释endomorphicadj.内胚叶性构成的;英英释义 endomorphicadj.having a squat and fleshy build同义词:pyknic
详细解释internal combustion engine释义内燃机; 变形 复数:internal combustion engines 英英释义 Internal combustion engineThe int...
详细解释sumatrann.苏门答腊人,苏门答腊的印尼语;adj.苏门答腊岛(人)的;英英释义 sumatran[ su'm:trn ]n.a native or inhabitant of...
详细解释proxy server释义代理服务器;英英释义 Proxy serverIn computer networks, a proxy server is a server (a computer system or ...
详细解释frost heaving释义冰冻隆胀;霜拔;冻拔;冻胀英英释义 frost heaving n.upthrust of ground or pavement caused by the freezin...
详细解释buffer storage释义缓冲存储器;英英释义 buffer storage n.(computer science) a part of RAM used for temporary storage of d...