共 72 个单词
新编大学英语综合教程4相关的的单词有【shirttail】【a pat on the back】【have a fit】【get out of hand】【well-wishing】【life-sized】【double entendre】【other things being equal】【unheard-of】【loose ends】【under arrest】【overprotect】【walk of life】【measure against】【time lag】【give of】【like clockwork】【on grounds of】【synchronisation】【icebox】【holograph】【a touch of】【sure enough】【bone up on】【desynchronize】【polish up】【corruptionist】【to be exact】【cool one's heels】【out of the ordinary】【against all odds】【sick and tired of】【agriculturist】【perjurer】【a matter of life and death】【not in the least】【be on to】【humorless】【pastureland】【pasteboard】等。
shirttailn.衬衣下(后)摆,社论栏;adj.幼小的,远房的;英英释义 shirttail[ ':t,teil ]n.a brief addendum at the end of a ...
详细解释have a fitv.大发脾气,大为烦恼,大吃一惊;释义勃然大怒;英英释义 have a fit v.get very angry and fly into a rage同义词:...
详细解释well-wishingn.祝福,祝贺;英英释义 well-wishing[ 'wel'wii ]n.an expression of good will from one person to another"much ...
详细解释life-sizedadj.(艺术作品)与真人[实物]一样大的;英英释义 life-sized[ ,laif'saizd ]adj.being of the same size as an origi...
详细解释double entendre释义(常指有猥亵含意的)双关语; 语意双关,双关语的使用; 变形 复数:double entendres 英英释义 double ent...
详细解释unheard-ofadj.前所未闻的,无先例的,空前的;旷古未闻;英英释义 unheard-of[ ,n'h:dv ]adj.previously unknown"developments ...
详细解释loose endsn.未了结的部分( loose end的名词复数 );未扣牢的一端,零碎材料;英英释义 loose end n.work that is left incomple...
详细解释overprotectvt.过分地保护;英英释义 overprotect[ ,uvpr'tekt ]v.care for like a mother同义词:motherfussprotect excessivel...
详细解释walk of life释义行业,…类的人; 变形 复数:walks of life 英英释义 walk of life n.careers in general同义词:walk
详细解释time lagn.时滞,(两相关事件的)时间间隔; 变形 复数:time lags 英英释义 time lag n.time during which some action is awa...
详细解释like clockwork释义顺当地;有规律地;毫无故障地;自动地英英释义 like clockwork adv.with regularity and precision
详细解释synchronisationn.同步;英英释义 synchronisation[ ,sikrnai'zein, sin-, -ni'z- ]n.the relation that exists when things occ...
详细解释iceboxn.(用冰块冷冻食物的)冰柜; 变形 复数:iceboxes 英英释义 icebox[ 'aisbks ]n.white goods in which food can be stor...
详细解释holographadj.全部亲笔写的;n.亲笔文件;英英释义 holograph[ 'hlur:f, -rf ]n.handwritten book or document同义词:manuscrip...
详细解释sure enough释义果然;的的确确;英英释义 sure enough adj.(used informally especially for emphasis)同义词:honest-to-godho...
详细解释desynchronizevt.使去同步,使失同步;英英释义 desynchronize[ di:'siknaiz ]v.cause to become desynchronized; cause to occu...
详细解释polish up释义改善,提高;擦亮;英英释义 polish up v.bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state同义词:polis...
详细解释cool one's heelsv.空等;英英释义 cool one's heels v.wait or pass the time aimlessly or futilely; be kept waiting同义词:...
详细解释against all odds释义尽管很困难;英英释义 Against All Odds"Against All Odds"is a collaborative single, recorded by Britis...
详细解释agriculturistn.农学家;英英释义 agriculturist[ ,ri'kltrist ]n.someone concerned with the science or art or business of c...
详细解释perjurern.伪誓者,伪证者;英英释义 perjurer[ 'p:dr ]n.a person who deliberately gives false testimony同义词:false witne...
详细解释a matter of life and death释义紧急的,紧要的,关键的;性命攸关;人命攸关;生死攸关英英释义 A Matter of Life and DeathA M...
详细解释humorlessadj.缺乏幽默感的,非常严肃的,一本正经的;英英释义 humorless[ 'hju:mlis ]adj.lacking humor"it was a humorless w...
详细解释pasturelandn.牧草地,牧场;英英释义 pastureland[ 'p:st,lnd, 'ps- ]n.a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable f...
详细解释pasteboardn.纸板,纸牌;adj.纸板做的,不坚实的;英英释义 pasteboard[ 'peistb:d ]n.stiff cardboard made by pasting togeth...