共 61 个单词
新视野大学英语第三版读写教程1-4册词书-NewHorizonCollegeEnglish相关的的单词有【settle back】【charge into】【take a stab at】【take captive】【radiate from】【be tied to】【alienate from】【the here and now】【come into play】【the way of the world】【plow through】【compartmentalise】【stand fast】【stay down】【stop short】【disconnect from】【go against the grain】【hold captive】【next to nothing】【lose interest in】【excuse oneself】【grab at】【Get to the point】【preclude from】【wrapped up in】【in anticipation of】【place emphasis on】【endear to】【scollop】【emirate】【GMAT】【stick to something】【BEC】【make a racket】【triumph over】【slave away】【descend into】【launch a campaign】【sniff at】【off the bat】等。
the way of the worldn.人情世故,社会上的习惯;世俗常情;世道人情;英英释义 the way of the world n.the manner in which pe...
详细解释compartmentalisecompartmentalise[,kmp:t'mentlaiz]vt.[主英国英语] = compartmentalize变形:vt.compartmentalised.compartmen...
详细解释stand fastv.不后退,不让步;坚守;英英释义 stand fast v.refuse to abandon one's opinion or belief同义词:stand patstand ...
详细解释stay down释义卧倒;待在水面之下;留级;留班英英释义 Stay DownStay Down is the fourth studio album by Chicago pop punk gr...
详细解释emiraten.酋长国; 变形 复数:emirates 英英释义 emirate[ 'mirt ]n.the domain controlled by an emirthe office of an emir
详细解释GMATadj.t.abbr.Greenwich mean astronomical time 格林尼治天文平时;英英释义 GMATGMAT can stand for以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释BEC释义bachelor of economics 经济学士;英英释义 BecBec can be sometimes a place-name element meaning 'point', 'cape' (fr...