共 108 个单词
新视野大学英语4相关的的单词有【make a fuss about】【in the act of】【get out of hand】【under investigation】【out of tune】【deliver the goods】【vote in】【at one's elbow】【shave off】【lose count of】【a fact of life】【beat back】【in company with】【give of】【impose upon】【EQ】【skim the surface】【rise and fall】【broadly speaking】【take offense】【a succession of】【law and order】【on the take】【pay a price for】【up to scratch】【bear witness to】【warn against】【spring from】【against all odds】【square with】【out of nowhere】【peer at】【on the surface】【from door to door】【be compared to】【scratch the surface】【in a flash】【be about to do】【as of】【be blessed with】等。
out of tuneadv.走调;不协调;走调儿;英英释义 Out of TuneOut of Tune - polish the worktops indie rock band, connected wi...
详细解释deliver the goods释义送货;履行诺言;英英释义 deliver the goods v.attain success or reach a desired goal同义词:succeedw...
详细解释beat back释义击退;抗击;打退;反击英英释义 beat back v.cause to move back by force or influence同义词:repeldriverepuls...
详细解释EQabbr.Educational Quotient 教育商数; 变形 复数:EQs 英英释义 EQn.the atomic weight of an element that has the same com...
详细解释rise and fall释义起落;起伏;盛衰荣辱;兴亡英英释义 Rise and FallRise and Fall is the fourth studio album by the Austria...
详细解释broadly speaking释义一般地说,泛泛地说;英英释义 broadly speaking adv.without regard to specific details or exceptions同...
详细解释law and order释义治安;[法] 治安,法律和秩序;纲纪国法;英英释义 Law and OrderLaw and Order is a 1940 American film dire...
详细解释against all odds释义尽管很困难;英英释义 Against All Odds"Against All Odds"is a collaborative single, recorded by Britis...
详细解释out of nowhere释义突然冒出来;莫名其妙的出现;英英释义 Out of NowhereOut of Nowhere is an album by trumpeter Don Ellis r...
详细解释in a flash释义立刻,一瞬间;须臾之间;转瞬;转瞬之间英英释义 in a flash adv.without any delay同义词:instantaneouslyoutr...